Any Deer Hunters on this forum

Except I didn’t step into a topic for the express purpose of degrading people for their past times. Being facetious is considered rude. Thus, my facetious response to him. Being snarky is not only the province of youth. You have been to the political post, these guys start with snarky shit and graduate to fuckholes, guzzling orange goo and everything else. It has to be confronted.

I agree with that sentiment, but this poster is not one of those types. Not from what I have read.


I find it reprehensible when someone decides to foist their values on me. If he thinks it’s more humane to hit a cow in the forehead with a sledgehammer, slit it from throat to anus and have it’s guts spilled out well, he is at the least a hypocrite. For what purpose other than to chide us, was he posting this truculent tripe. He was trolling us. It wasn’t in fun. It was meant to be demeaning. It is against my better judgement to assume goodwill from that. Just because I am up here, doesn’t mean I’m a hayseed.

They’re jealous of non-slaves, and hate those who think for themselves because they’ve completely sold out to be cool.

I don’t think he was foisting, but anyway…that f’n moose was huge.

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If you think you’re being ahem foisted, flag the post so we can see it. Each individual mod can’t check every thread, unfortunately – especially in the OTT.

Thanks guys, and thanks for the advice on the moose. Looking forward to trying some soon.

Easy Yooper, you’re making a hell of a lot of assumptions about me based off of a question and an observation. And your assumptions are pretty damn far off. No, I’m not a vegetarian, I eat meat every meal. I don’t care if people wear fur. And yes, I know animals get killed to feed me. In all actuality, I don’t give a fuck what people do with their past time, just like I don’t want people to give a fuck about what I do with mine. I’m criticizing “hunting” bc I grew up in a country town where we didn’t have school November 15th bc half of the students were out “hunting” and I know what all goes into it. Half the people out there are sitting in a fucking tree or blind, drinking, waiting for a deer to walk by, most likely they were baited to come close so some jackass with a rifle and scope can shoot him and claim they got him hunting. By that logic I can claim I hunt when I hit a deer with my truck, hell what I did was even harder bc I hit a moving target while sitting and waiting for a deer to appear. What native Americans did, track the heard, move with them, use their resources to take down game, that’s hunting. What you guys do with modern weaponry, scent masking, tree cameras, etc, that’s not hunting and there’s no honor in it. Now, feel free to continue to be butt hurt while I continue to laugh at what you consider a sport.

We use it for food but make all the assumptions you want. You’re just another guy on ignore now.


Cool story bro, it’s still not hunting

Move with the herd? Really? The whitetail herd? Okay, thats just dumb. We talking about hunting Bison here? LOL


You got out over your skis on that one, bro. Tried going to bat for you, but you’re pretty dug into a myopic, emotional position.

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I don’t need anyone to fight my battles for me, but I appreciate you and @Gitche trying to put some sense in to Yooper’s world. My example wasn’t exclusive to deer “hunting”… I was explaining what hunting means to me. That was my whole point, using the word hunting while sitting in camo waiting for something to walk by and shoot it is NOT accurate. If someone wants to say they hunt, then they better be looking for tracks, stalking their prey, etc… not sitting around shooting shit that moves in the woods.

My favorite part of deer hunting is walking and getting into the spots where they frequent and feel safe without them knowing. Reading the wind, the terrain, using cover. I have a large amount of land to hunt on though, and many people are lucky if they have a couple acres to themselves, many much less.

Although i sit for a few hours a day. Two fake hips makes it hard to walk all day long.


Therein lies the problem. The word for harvesting an animal that has not been domesticated is called hunting. You may disagree with the term, but it is what it is. It’s not trapping. It’s not gathering. It’s hunting and requires a hunting license.

Walking around like the Energizer bunny isn’t an effective way of hunting a skittish animal like deer.

The looking for tracks and knowing the prey is part of the prep that goes into a successful deer hunt.

We’re obviously talking about two different things. The term “hunt” means to pursue or search out game for sport or food. Idiots in a tree with a rifle are not hunters. Now, I’m not saying anyone here is one of those people, that’s why I asked my original quesiton “sitting in a tree with a high powered rifle and scope waiting for a woodland creature to walk by so you can shoot it is considered hunting, right?” I find it hilarious when people brag about their kill when they literally did nothing except wait, point and shoot.

I’ll say this, I’ve seen way more deer squirrel hunting than squirrels…and more squirrels deer hunting than deer.:woozy_face:


We’ve learned so much about hunting today.

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Squirrels and deer know the difference between a .22 and a .270?

Oh, me know! .05?

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That why we’re here, to yell at each other and learn stuff :joy: