Arthur Smith = Frontrunner

With Arthur Smith coming back in for a 2nd interview, in person, tomorrow… it’s gotta be his job to lose. Especially having that set up right after hiring Holmes as the GM. Combine all that with Saleh getting the Jets job - seems it’s Arthur Smith as the HC unless the Lions call a last minute audible.

I don’t see them rushing to make a decision unless their in love with him. Thinking they will wait for Campbell, and the DC coach from the Rams, to be able to interview in person.

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Holmes was the first person they brought back for a 2nd in person interview, and offered him the job right there. I kind of expect them to do the same with Arthur Smith. Could be right on interviewing Staley… interesting that both Smith and Staley are 38. The Lions going for a major youth movement!

My guess is that the Lions will fly him in to welcome him and sign the contract.

This is how I’m feeling as well

I’m also expecting the Falcons to name Terry Fontenot their GM. I would think he would want Dan Campbell as the HC but he hasn’t interviewed with them.

I personally am expecting Smith to be offered the job tomorrow as well. Would love to see Staley get an interview but I doubt it happens.

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FYI - Todd Bowles has an interview tomorrow as well.

Is that via Zoom?

Yes, that interview is via Zoom. Homie has to coach his Bucs D this weekend lol. I don’t see that as anything too serious personally, but you never know.

Yes by league rules it has to be. Besides Holmes can’t officially take the job until the Rams are out of the playoffs. So if he is to be part of it then he would need to be on the call.

I have to wonder if they will zoom him in for the Smith interview as well or if he will not be involved in hiring the HC.

I believe Holmes is still in Detroit, signing the contract, I’d be surprised if he didn’t stick around long enough to sit in on Smith’s 2nd interview. I don’t have any info on that, but I kinda expect Holmes to be there and if he approves, I expect the hire to move quick.

“Of course I would have loved to have had him here,” LaFleur told in January of 2019. "But I knew there was no way he was going to get out of that building.

“I just have a lot of respect for him. Not only as a football coach, but as a man. I think he is of the highest character. He’s a good family man; he loves his wife and kids; he’s a fun guy to be around. I think he is exactly what you look for when you are trying to hire people.”

Just listening to him in a few interviews, he’s sneaky smart. Schwartz was supposed to be this sharp dude and strutted like a peacock about it. Smith isn’t rumored as anything in particular, but you can hear a guy who’s seeing things from multiple, educated perspectives. (And humble, as opposed to Schwartz.)

You also have to wonder if his billionaire upbringing might give him and the Ford family a unique appreciation for the other. Not that they’re of money, rather that they know what it does to your interaction with others.

Apparently he blew Philly away in his interview with them.

I have a feeling that Smith might choose to go there if we don’t act first.

Kinda random thoughts here…
I’m not saying they are going to hire him because of Stafford, but I could see these guys getting along really well. Smith has that mellow vibe going that Linehan and the backup Hill had. Maybe not as comatose as Linehan, but still chill.

And I know it’s coach speak, but hearing Smith in their media sessions a few weeks ago about “only trying to do the best at the position he has”, not really eying a head coach position will resonate with Holmes. One of the articles floating around has Holmes talking about he and his wife just discussing that same thing, that he’s only tried to be the best at his position, which has led to increased positions.

They have similar backgrounds from the perspective of surviving multiple changeovers within their clubs. So even though they don’t have a past experience with each other, they do have similar experiences that suggest they’re fit for adapting to each other.


Just looking at some of the Titans coaches that he might bring…

How about Todd Downing for OC? That’s right, former Lions QB coach.

If not, then maybe Luke Steckel?
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Looks like that effort this morning was for naught:

Damn, I bet the Falcons panicked and knew we would sign him. One note, Holmes has officially signed with Detroit and can start working. Sounds like an exception due to working out of Atlanta and the Rams giving permission for him to leave.

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Thank. God. I don’t know why, maybe I’m crazy, but I DO NOT want Arthur Smith. Maybe my guy Joe Brady can get an interview too?