Big Ten, SEC forming advisory group focused on future landscape of college

So it sounds like the B10 and SEC are meeting to decide whether or not to break away into their own division of College Football.

Personally I would like to see it happen. Only die hards care about the smaller schools. Put the best 40 schools in 1 league. Every one else is can play in the minors. That dont make money. That are never on tv and are rarely good.

Also they would do a better job regulating NIL/ Transfer portal rules. More equal scheduling.

So you would have
Tier 1 - Super Conference - B10/SEC 40 Teams
Tier 2 - FBS - Group of 7. ~94 Teams
Tier 3 - FCS - 128 Teams
Tier 4 - D2 - 166 Teams
Tier 5 - D3 - 240 Teams

So heres who i think would join the B10 and SEC to give them 20 teams each.

Revenue - 2023 Revenue for Football
Win % - over the last 10 seasons
TV - is average TV views in millions per game for 2023

Those 6 schools generate the most revenue, have the most TV views and are competitive most years. Anyone else makes way less money and a good amount less TV views.

Do you guys want to see a revamped NCAA?

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I defenitely see the super conference coming. It’s just a matter of when and how long.

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Someone has to create rules for how college football runs. Right now they have an NCAA just half assed going around and hitting certain schools without actually creating rules. If the NCAA isn’t going to do it, then it has to come from the conferences because the current situation is not sustainable.


Exactly. NCAA is just watching it all burn.
The SEC and B10 will make their own league separate from the NCAA.

Come up with things like portal dates like trade deadlines or FA days.

Also a form of salary cap for NIL.

And of course balanced and fair scheduling.

And with that a MASSIVE national tv contract like the NFL. And profit sharing.

That means each school will easily make 150+M per year. Or basically 4X that of any other college football program.

So who cares what East Michigan does. It only matters about those 40 schools in the league.

Also it will help better identify talent. Making the NFL better.

This only works if you kick teams out

Rutgers has no business being there, as an example

Football runs the show and the Big/SEC will have 9 of the top 10 teams to start next year. Grabbing Oregon and Washington at at a discount is such an underrated move. USC has a lot to prove, big $ was spent on them and they look like little brothers.

Rutgers and Vanderbilt will stay. It would cost way too much money to kick them out with out a viable reason other than they suck.

If you cut off the revenue at $35 (the lowest figure of a current B10 or SEC team), how big would the super-confrernce be? Cutting it at 40 teams doesn’t seem fair to teams that make more than that. If it was something like 48 teams, that seems like it would work. Make it three divisions of 16 and make them more regional - Super East, Central, West?

I could see 48.
But 40 is the bench mark now.

Because the next 8 teams.
Duke, texas tech, north carolina, AZ st.
~$50m in revenue. Only a bowl eligible team half the time. Less than 1M views per game.

No one cares about those teams. And they arnt good. Yes same is true for Rutgers, Vandi, Northwestern. Etc. but they are grand fathered in.

No need to water down the product.

List of teams currently NOT in B10 or SEC.
I also included “POA”
If the 12 team playoff existed since 2002. How many “Play Off Appearances” would they have.

As you can see a major drop off in football production and TV views after the top 6.

The next 8 teams is if they were to go to 48.

But thats a big IF.

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Im just happy you didnt say Nebraska!

Nebraska is 5th in Revenue in the B10.
7th in TV views.

They make money they just suck. Lol.

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I could see going down to 35 in revenue. Which gets you to 63. In which case you make it 64. After that, you have teams like Central FL, Cincinnati, Boise State, WV, which just feel like a much lower class team. I don’t see how you can not include teams like Baylor, Pitt, Stanford, K-State, Wash State… some of them have won championships (Pitt) or were right there for the final four (Baylor).

One miracle run the last 20 years doesn’t make a team good.
Over the last 10 years they average less than 7 wins a season

It’s because they dont get the TV views ~ 1M vs Big10/SEC 3M.
Under $50m in rev. Vs $90+m currently for big10 SEC and thays before the current 2024 TV deal expected to exceed 100m

Its all the factors not just wins or confidence titles.
*Updated to be more clear

Before USC and UCLA joined the BIG, they met with the ACC and formed an alliance then turned their backs on them. Both they BIG and $EC are dirty and they can’t be trusted

That was a hand shake deal anyway. They were just all but hurt that SEC kept winning.

Let’s hope we can say used*. Our recruiting class is looking great. First time ive been optimistic in a long time.

Its a great chart.
Its just that the first 8 out look way better than the last 8 in for everything except revenue, and revenue isn’t all that different. Especially POA.

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Yea you have the top 6. Thats if they go to 40 teams. I think those 6 are locks.

Then the next 8. To get to 48 is definitely up for debate.

at that point it will be a bidding war. Who is going to take a bigger “pay cut” to join.
Because most teams that switch conferences agree to take a smaller percentage of profit sharing for the first couple years. So whose willing to take the smallest percentage.

Man, that would be a damn shame. Because what you’re doing is creating a division A and division B in college football. I hope they pay attention to the legacy of college football. A Master’s champion gets to play in the tournament for life. Some of the big programs going through rough patches (e.g. Pitt) have to be in the top conference. IMHO.