Bottom line: Refs got confused between 68 and 70

Refs got confused between who reported to them as eligible—70 and 68. Not sure why Skipper is even there. But, I think Decker reported as eligible but officials got confused between 68 and 70 and now will even lie about Skipper reporting and not Decker. They ■■■■■■ up, they know it but will defend themselves. Why would Skipper report as eligible if he technically can’t even be eligible. He didn’t even see Skipper. He was running to Dallas D when Skipper was coming over.


They got confused because allegedly Skipper had reported as eligible several times earlier in the game. Nevertheless, the ref absolutely screwed up and is lying to save his own butt. Skipper wasn’t even close to the ref during that conversation.


Absolutely. Allen said 70 reported to him. Skipper never even got close to the ref. It was Decker.


Not confused. You (The ref)was explained the play pregame to a T. Something is up here. Say what you will, something aint right with this. Doesn’t pass the smell test.


It’s clear what happened, it was supposed to disguise the play to the defense . . . . a little. The ref screwed up, because he was used to Skipper announcing he was eligible.

Allen screwed up, like all humans, refs aren’t perfect, I hope he admits it instead of trying to conceal his screwup.


Officials got some explaining to do. It appears that the refs really f’d this up and now the official is lying about who reported.


Skipper was playing guard how do you screw that up? Shiela should put pressure on the league to fire this guy!


He did not in his after game interview. He stuck with his story.


Clear as day ref tagged wrong guy. Sucks not reviewable, but a screwjob nontheless.


He’s already lying. There are quotes from post-game where he’s saying Skipper reported which we all know is a lie.


I saw that, but I’m not sure how much of the post game video (i.e. the espn video showing Decker going over to him to report), that he saw.

Probably won’t admit his screwup . . . but I’d have respect if he did.

Also, who the hell is the retired ref on ESPN who tried to say it was Decker’s fault for not making sure that Allen knew it was him reporting as eligible.


That’s the problem. He won’t admit he screwed up. Instead he’ll lie about it. Skipper had reported as eligible a number of times during the game and this time it was Decker. The official couldn’t even do his job by looking at the number jersey of the guy he was having a conversation with. And to make it worse, instead of owning it, he lies about it.


So the 6’11" guy reports as eligible, then lines up in a position that can be nothing but ineligible. This was the pool report from the ref. That he reported eligible, then buried himself 3 deep in the OL?

That’s the Refs story? That our guys don’t know OG is ineligible, but reported anyway, just for funsies? Like to intentionally get a penalty?

Its always the Cover Up that is More Egregious Than the crime.


So #70 playing guard who didn’t say shit is reporting as eligible! If I’m Shiela I’m going after this dumb f**ks job!


At least it wasn’t a season ending call. But it has changed the seeding landscape quite a bit. Personally at this point the only retribution for me is for Allen to be fired or at least suspended for a season. Incompetence like that needs to be addressed

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Happy Gilmore Win GIF

I wondered how much Jerry paid that guy.

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All of that shit inside of two minutes need to be reviewable. Helll PI too.

Exactly . … when you have refs that consistently screw up the call, you need to review it.

But remember what happened a couple years ago when the league wanted PI reviewed, the refs wouldn’t even consider it and ALWAYS said the PI call was correct, even if it was clearly wrong.

Under the old rules, even though it was obvious that ARSB was interfered with, the ref would have never called it on review.

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Bottom line is, you need to hold the refs accountable. This needs to happen.

I don’t think Brad Allen did it on purpose, but I do think he made a mistake and isn’t owning up to it. And that’s a serious problem.