Brad Holmes: Jared Goff's earned extension, I have faith it gets done

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Hopefully this will put to rest all the silly talk about waiting to see about Hooker and to use franchise tag.


It won’t. People thought Brad was lying about Goff not being a throw in and thought he was lying about Goff being their guy

Why would they suddenly think he’s telling the truth now?


so-someone here has proved that Brad Homes IS/WAS lying !?

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I think most all Lions fans expect this deal to get done.
I think the Lions expect this deal to get done.
I think Goff and his agent expect the deal to get done.

It is just a matter of coming to terms.

But that doesn’t change the fact that if they fail to come to terms the Lions have options like the tag.

I just don’t think it will come to that and I think most everyone feels the same way.

Goff has won over most of the media and the fans. Even those who were hell bent on drafting a QB his first two years here.

I don’t think we saw a single mock draft projecting the Lions to grab a QB high this year. That was the narrative the two years prior.

Goff will get paid.


Brad Holmes is such a frickin’ LIAR.

Can’t stand him.

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They asked him about the signings of ARSB and Penei on the same day and mentioned Shefters report. His answer: “Believe me we’d have loved to annouce all three, just boom boom boom”.

It’s getting done.

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Why would it stop talk? It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.

In all likelihood, it will get done before training camp.

But what’s the rush? Will Goff have a hissy fit and demand more if he’s not signed iby July? Does he feel heat from Hooker, someone who the lions traded down twice before taking in the third round? I doubt it, though it’s a distant possibility.

This is a negotiation, right? It’s the most significant and costly negotiation a GM can make. Golf’s contract will impact what other players—who support his special needs—get.

I’m still scarred by the Megatron negotiations that involved opening the checkbook and telling Megatron to fill in the check.

I’m perfectly fine accepting whatever Brad does because of his history of throwing nickels around like manhole covers. He’s not working from a position of weakness. He Da Villain.

I think the deal gets done…
But why should this statement change thoughts?

Has any GM ever said he doesn’t think it will get done?

What does discussions mean?

Has either side made a proposal?
Until one side or the other presents a number they aren’t really doing anything.

We’d love to have you back.
I’d love to be back.
You deserve an extension.
Detroit is the greatest place on earth…

There is no urgency.
If I’m Holmes I delay until before the start of the regular season.
If I’m Goff’s team I let it be known there will be no negotiation once the season starts.
You have to create some urgency.


Exactly, right! It’s not urgent.

You should really listen to it. I think you’d come away feeling much better about it.

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You know we all heard the same Brad interview but there is a group of people who heard Brad say that Goff is only here as a bridge and Hooker is the qb of the future. :crazy_face:


Same group that wanted Matt gone!

That makes zero sense.

What Brad said was that “in a perfect world, we’d have had all three of them done [Sewell, ARSB, Goff], bang, bang, bang.”

That makes a LOT more sense.

Do Jared Goff need the lions or do the lions need Jared Goff more?

The reality everybody can’t get paid. Let say we pay Goff and the line regress i.e. from age and injuries or terrible drafting, Goff contract could make it difficult to rebuild. Again, Goffs game is predicated on the perfect line. Honestly, it not an easy decision if you are thinking long term. And the jury is still out on Holmes oline drafting as he only drafted sewell

Personally, I think Goff needs the Lions. There was a very good chance Goff would have ended up as a QB2 after what happened with the Rams. Goff was also really bad when he first started with Detroit. I criticize Goff a lot, but I do give the guy credit when he deserves it. And he does deserve his praise. He did earn this if he gets it.

I listened to the whole show. This was one segment where they did about six theories they were throwing out there for fun. Including “Maybe Jared is waiting until after his wedding this summer to sign.”. This is a nothing-burger.


It’s pretty easy to read the body language of both Goff and Holmes. They both act and talk as if they aren’t worried about a deal getting done. And both talk as if he is going to be QB1 for a while

I assume Goff, who has already had a payday told the Lions to take care of the boys first then they would work it out

It’s also a myth that Goff needs a perfect line to succeed. Anyone who saw the carousel at guard for us last year can see the line wasn’t perfect. It was good and sometimes great. But fell short of perfect

Goff also knows this offense better than any replacement would and last year had the third quickest release in football. The line was middle of the pack in allowing pressures. Yet gave up very few sacks. Which seems to illustrate Goff making quick decisions to avoid sacks. Not just amazing protection