Brad Holmes supposedly joining GMFB Peter Schraeger soon

We’re going to make your QB retire!

Villan is how the NFL paints them & I’m guessing that has something to do with what “villain” means. We are the one who messes up ratings & story lines.
Campbell references how unfair it was to play the night game & insinuates they were trying to help other teams…Watch his boxy language as well as what h says.

“We can’t say xirectly what “villain” means, it’s something in our organization, it’s posted on the walls, etc.”
I’m guessing that’s what villain means.

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As a fan of Aston Villa, otherwise known as the Villans, I approve of this nickname.

The owners of Aston Villa are finalists for the next expansion MLS team, they’re in charge of the Las Vegas bid and at least currently intend to name them the Las Vegas Villains. I’m a fan. Plus if it holds I like that they’ll actually have a nickname and get away from the generic, European-style Las Vegas FC.

You did great I would still be hi how are you an you would need a decoder ring for my typing

So, another Holmes interview recap, this one from memory; interviewed by Pat Kirwin and Jim Miller. Abreviatedversions as memory sucks.

Q GB game, knew you were out of the playoffs but the team showed up.
A. Yep, resiliency, but they showed up to the end and that is what Dan expects, won’t settle for less. Kirwin: kind of a final test to see who showed up. Holmes; yes, team was resilient all year.

Staff coming back, continuity, players want to come back to Detroit shows the culture is laid, it’s there and prevalent.
A. yea, the staff coming back was great they wanted to come back. Ben did an amazing job as did AG seeing the young guys grow and mature and get better. Kirwin and Holmes with more AG praise on progress through the season.
Continuity is important.

Q Goff, his progress but you believed in him from day one.
A Goff I saw what he did in LA, I was there playoff’s 4 of five years, SB I know what he has in him what he can do. First year in Detroit was hard on him and maybe not fair but his mental toughness came through. Really excited to see the next step in year two of this offense(with Ben).

Q Culture, players(FA) want to be here. We see players, listen to the interviews draft; Jim and I will look at each other…that guy can play for Campbell.
A. We know what we want in a player what we look for we will stay true to that.

Kirwin: Ozzie used to tell FA players as the season ended, go see what is there, we want you back, but give us a call before you sign, see what we can do.
A Yea, we would love to have all them back, but it is really not possible in this day and age. Be smart about it and told them not to go dark on us.Kirwin: good way to put it.

Miller: Sheila Hamp Ford what can you say about her.
A. She is amazing, a fantastic owner supported Dan and I from day one, she wants it. City of Detroit is amazing they deserve it, we are staying true to our process but pushing forward.

Culture, continuity, resiliency were the three words that stood out to me from this interview. As well as how much Kirwin and Miller are fans of this Holmes/Campbell pairing and seem genuinely excited about what is happening in Detroit.

I posted the comments about Dan in the Holmes thread .


They sure did when we had Suh!!!

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