CJGJ "Blue ski masks everywhere!"

Guess I didnt realize wearing a blue ski mask in a football stadium during a game, as planned by thousands of ppl and encouraged by the acual team, was eXActLy tHe SaEm as wearing it into bank, etc…hah, silly me!

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I’m wondering what rep lions fans have ? We haven’t really been a destination game

I just had a niner fan friend who went to Pittsburgh and said steeler fans were great to him.

Will lions fans in blue ski masks still be good hosts to visiting seahawk fan? Are lions fans viewed as good hosts ?

WTF is this? The WWE…

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Luche libre.

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The only thing that makes me nervous about this is that it smacks of the 1980 Another One Bites the Dust team. Started out 4-0. Finished 9-7 and missed the playoffs.

Went from Another One Bites the Dust to Another One Beats Our Butts.


That is NEVER to be written here!!!

Young people on this board that weren’t even born before 1980 gotta know.

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GAHHHHHH!!! Make it stop!! I apologize to everyone for even bringing this up.

What if I got a Titus young jersey to go with my mask? Lol

Walk into a liquor store with your Titus jersey and ski mask on and say the following words…

“Listen up this will only a take second”

And may God have mercy on your soul.

Especially since I’m going full joe Barry and only wearing the mask and jersey. Lol

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