Clickbait headlines are getting out of control


Theres so many it’s ridiculous! That being said i click like 90% of the time :rofl:.

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I’m the opposite. I hardly click into anything anymore assuming that it’s click bait. Even the link in this OP. Yet I see that 8 folks did click into it. Why? Why does NBC Sports deserve my click. Does Nate gain any recognition from us clicking out of his site and into some other site?


Leave it to Florio to write a clickbait article about clickbait. If I had to guess who it was, that would have been my guess.


Society should organise to save each other clicks. One thing I like about Reddit is that in a lot of cases the top comment is someone providing a TLDR to save people from clicking.

These sites are farming your data and forcing adverts in front of your eyeballs, if you’re sharing a link without a summary you’re just feeding your fellow users into the machine. Very often, if the article has an interesting point, it can be surmised in a sentence, and if it doesn’t then it’s not worth sharing.

Mine was a misclick lol. I was trying to click the topic and I accidentally clicked the link.

Anyway yes I would rather debunk them on this thread where one person says it’s trash or good and then everyone else can click accordingly.

Moreso lately I think there is no accordingly. There is minimal factual news being put out until TC really gets going anyway.

IMO, @Nate , the mods, or this AI-thing should totally eliminate ANY click-bait/misleading threads.

I guess I don’t understand the outrage. If you don’t want to read the article then don’t click it. Life is full of choices but I refuse to get worked up over things that don’t deserve my anger. Sports itself is click bait. None of this matters.


Could it really be that simple?

Confused Tom Hanks GIF

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That’s when you know it’s slow!

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well I’m one of them old-fashioned fellers that has to click on a thread and begin reading what a thread is about before I can determine that it’s bunk .

Well said.

No Problem Whatever GIF by The Good Films


Yknow, there’s this one weird trick to keep safe from clickbait…


Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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I guess I like it better than the Lions being so insignificant that even our draft picks happen during commercials because nobody cared that there was a football team in Detroit.


Blindfolds and condoms for the win :wink: safety first




The one thing I love about the Den is I can never predict how and to where the comments can pivot. Like, I never could’ve imagined a clickbait topic about clickbait evolving (or devolving depending on your POV) into a picture of hugging condoms. Just how? Twenty years ago if you would’ve told me that I would’ve put you in rehab.


Where do you think @socko and I met… duh. :joy: