Curious, who gets the most reps at slot?

St. Brown, Reynolds, or Cephus?
They’ve all been effective there.

I’d say St. Brown… but I could see a 50/50 or 60/40 split between St. Brown and Reynolds.

I still think Cephus showed a lot of potential before he got hurt… I’d like to see him stick around.

In no order but our top 5 as of now would be probably…


That ain’t bad if we keep 6 right?


My guess would be Brown as well. He seems to more quicker and his creativity in getting yac seems to fit that slot position better. More like a Tate clone between the 3.


Brown will get outside reps until Jamo is up to speed/ full workload. We are I think at best getting 8 or 9 full games outta him


That’s a lot of weapons and a lot of looks. Now, add Hock, Mitchell, and Swift!
I just read a NFL.COM draft piece that says, “expect Detroit to go to Mitchell early and often.”
Just the pieces we can put on the board.
Hell, we cold put Swift in the slot, and one of 3 heavy hitter RB’s in the backfield. Two TE sets with receiving TE’s.
This is going to be fun to watch.
Goff should be having a blast out there!


Chark and Williams are outside guys. That isn’t to say St Brown won’t get some snaps outside, but he is likely going to take 80%+ of his snaps in the slot or backfield this year.


I think Reynolds gets the outside reps until Williams is healthy. St brown is too valuable in the slot.


Williams will get some slot action too. They’ll mix it up w/him. Guys that are that lethal, you want to keep them away from the sidelines, because they can press your speed guy to the sideline and use the sideline as an extra defender. I remember Lambo did that with CJ and everyone was PISSED…becauase they lined him up outside and teams were able to contain him more easily.

I think we’re gonna mix up the route trees and alignments and have a very versatile batch of guys. Williams is such a weapon…if you press him, you’d better jam him reeeeeaaall good, because his acceleration is so good, he’ll blow right by everyone. Williams is a nightmare for any defense. Goff had better start working on his deep ball. LOL. Chark is gonna benefit from this a lot too. You can’t double team everyone.


That’s the versatility I was talking about. I’m getting real stroked about Mitchell as I read more about him. Sounds like he will be at least the TE Ebron was for us.

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Sun god plays outside in 2 WR formations, kicks down to slot in 3 WR sets. Chark and Reynolds play outside together. Until Jamo comes in, and then I suspect it’ll matter who’s injured. I’d say best hope is Reynolds gets the least amount of snaps. Cephus likely plays injury filler, and Raymond… can he return kicks and punts?
Well, I suppose Cephus could supplant Reynolds. That’d be nice. But I’d assume 1. Sun. 2. Chark. 3. Reynolds. 4. Cephus. Insert Jamo at 2 when healthy.


Approve South Park GIF


The 12 set allows us to run or pass with authority.

" 12 personnel means that there is one running back, two tight ends, and two receivers on the field . Having two tight ends gives the offense flexibility in both the run and pass game. Defenses are often forced to match the bigger offensive personnel with larger linebackers."

We never had that luxury last season.


I mentioned this yesterday… I still want to see some jumbo 12 looks with Nelson in the game at TE. Would really put pressure on the defense to drop a safety down… and then Chark and Jamo get some vertical looks.


Nelson was a TE in HS, and was really good. In order for this to work he has to be a receiving threat. If they work on that part of his game it could be a real thing. Maybe it was just nerves, because he was all that in his younger days. The next play the “other” TE, Decker caught it for a TD.


Don’t forget Hock and Swift will be used in the slot as well. I’d say St. Brown probably gets the most reps though.

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In what world is Reynolds better then Chark ? That’s a big wiff.

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In no order but our top 5 as of now would be probably…


I’m a bit disappointed this thread wasn’t for me specifically


Yeah I missed that , agree with top 5.

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