Dan is Live on DetroitLions.com

He just said interviews are the important part, not running around in pajamas. LMAO!!


Love hearing him talk. My goodness does he ooze passion for the game.


Me too man. I like his honesty and his ability to relate and explain his thoughts. Such a great listen.

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The thing I love about him too is that he’s very thoughtful and clearly intelligent. He just gets it. I don’t know how his long term tenure in Detroit is going to look like, but he’s by far my favorite coach that we’ve had since I’ve been a Lions fan.


Yeah guys i can just listen to that dude talk football all day…he isnt a meat head at all he is pretty methodical in his answers…he gets emotional at times but shit …thats what u want in a coach. I feel we are extremely lucky to have dan .


Always great to hear Dan! Big takaway for me was he basically said taking a high priced FA was not how they were looking to continue to build. It did not say they would not but did turn the cold water hose on. This is why I don’t think Payne ever would have been and option and why I think Ramsey is a long shot. Not sure what it would cost to bring Wagner in.

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I’m not sure how much I missed, since it was live. He can carry on a interview for quite some time.

Hopefully they get the whole video up soon.

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I’m fully sucked in…shit


LMAO! I’m the same Sid.

My last grip on reality is that they haven’t won squat in September and October. Accomplish that and continue their winning ways from November on…well I my come down with an incurable case of permagrin…or just start giggling unexpectedly (I expect that I’ll have to stay away from funerals).


Once bit, twice shy.

He’s getting there.

Fontes is still currently my favorite coach followed by Campbell and Schwartz. I know Caldwell was a good coach but I never really loved him probably because he was always emotionless in the sidelines.

What is going on with Jalen Carter is exactly WHY I loved Jim Caldwell. One of the best at seeing these guys as young men and molding them into mature adults. In college it is all about talent and winning. They need more coaches that focus on helping these guys grow up.


I’d say most coaches are about molding young men into adults.

37 times a Lions fan.

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Call me a cynic but I think a lot of them say the right things but put winning ahead of everything else. This is not necessarily the coaches fault either. It is the college football success expectations. Win or you are out.

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That’s fitting because the Lions have been a lot like the The Station nightclub disaster over the years.

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So all 3 coaching departures were family-related.
(He wants them “all here” and if a piece of them is not here, he’d rather they go where they need to go.)
There are good coaches out there.
“What Johnnie Morton did for the offense this year was pivotal” (he says talking about John Fox coming in and having the same type of influence on AG and the D)

You get the sense listening to him that we fans are more concerned about departing coaches than he is.

Scottie Montgomery had interviewed for the OC position last year.

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Sex ain’t love guys…

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Ryan Gosling Clap GIF

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