Dan Snyder in trouble again

This whole story is based off of one anonymous person who’s an ex employee? Yeah, I’ll sit back and wait before I believe anything. The media will run with any story that makes rich people look bad… Unless their running for president and they don’t like their opponent… If that’s the case, the media will wait 18 months to print the story…

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Congress threatening to remove anti-trust is like owners threatening to leave town if they dont get a new stadium…

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I imagine the number of people “in” on the skimming is pretty small, so confirming the story beyond one source is probably difficult at best.


Going out on a limb to defend Snyder becatse media goes after Rich guys.

What makes you want to give Snyder the benefit of your defense of him ?

It’s just a heads up, out pockets are a little light. Time for you to fill them again.

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Stop hating on Washington, DC!
It’s politians you hate.
Stop hating the city and its citizens!

PS, Dan Snyder is a piece of shit.


I’m not defending anyone, I’m merely saying the corporate media’s track record speaks for itself… A single unnamed source is a tell tale sign of BS… I’m skeptical to say the least.

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Ah, you’re one of them.

I’m curious to see how this plays out. It appears that one of the R’s on the HOC said the complete opposite of what was reported (no evidence of double-books or withholding revenue).

Either way, this will be me watching it play out.

Jon Stewart Popcorn GIF

Meaning what exactly?

Who Austin Hacker? That’s what I thought at first too, but then I found out he isn’t even in congress, but he does have 813 twitter followers, so you know he’s got to be something special.

Aw man! I got duped by a Twitter politician?! I stand corrected. I didn’t catch that.

Yea, I really don’t know who he is. I figured he was someone from congress. After a quick search, I realized he wasn’t, so I figured he was associated with someone big on the committee . . . nothing. The only thing I found was him on twitter with 813 followers and he says he’s GOP spokesperson.

If a congressman comes out and says this is all BS, well then maybe we got something.

I can understand the skepticism of an unnamed source quoted in a newspaper article, but an unnamed source that has submitted information to congress has some serious credibility.

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Hacker is the spokesman for the Republicans on the House Oversight Committee.

Twitter is the worst thing on Planet Earth.

Other than rhubarb, of course.

Sounds like that means you don’t think Snyder did it.

Because corp media

I think Snyder fully capable of being everything he’s been accused of.

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Yeah, I just saw this, I guess he works for Rep. Comer? I thought he was actually on the HOC at first.

Dudes, whatever is proven or unproven, I think we can all agree Dan Snyder is a pile of trash. And where there is smoke there’s fire.

Add that to the NFL being inconsistent in how they hold different people accountable for different “infractions”… the league is a joke. And if it weren’t so insulated and protected I’m sure we would know about a lot more awful things occurring, or those awful things would’ve been prevented because they could be exposed. I suppose this could be said for most major corporations.

People committing violent and/or sexual assault, fraud, etc. should all be held accountable. The league has protected a ton of this and covered up even more.

I hope the victims are given justice. I have no expectation for the league to ever demonstrate any form of real “justice”.


But rhubarb has a cool song

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jack nicholson batman GIF