Dwayne Haskins = Jordan Love

Just because he does things that wouldn’t make you happy doesn’t mean it doesn’t make him happy.
How do you know if he takes drugs on a regular basis or is an alcoholic?
And to claim he is a lost soul because he doesn’t meet your definition of how he should live his life…?
Just because someone isn’t a bible thumper doesn’t mean that person is unhappy.

Never even entered the conversation from my end: where’d you get that?

Internal happiness is just that… he is “Obviously” pumping the stripclubs or why have pics of it posted - been there some that on both sides ( client and cop)!! You only go to paces like that if your internally lost and looking for the next high and it’s got to be higher than the last… he on that road… sry bro

Lol - and I was asked to default that stuff … I’m talking the end goal here… making ones self truly happy: stoppers are not it!

Sry but you lost!