FatBoy ❤ Tavai

Tavai to be signed by Patriots. (ESPN alert)

Trying not to lose a lung laughing…

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He was a mole for them the entire time, man!
The most recent scandal that BB is involved in…LionsGate!


Does Tavai enter the locker room like Norm did in “Cheers” ?

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Yes, just slower and without as much purpose.


Tavai bulked up to 270 under Patricia, then lost 25 pounds this offseason. Time to start eating again. Gotta get back to 270. lol

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Except that Patricia isn’t running things there, at least not yet.

I think BB will decide what weight he wants him at.

One thing is for sure, it doesn’t matter what he weighs. He’s terrible.

Laaahbstah rolls all day long baby!

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Music Video Vintage GIF


Haha I’m glad you are entertaining, even promoting my crazy thought that we were sabotaged by those SOBs from NE!!!

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Truth is revealing itself. Lions organization will have irrefutable proof, and we will have leverage to bargain for fair officiating FOR LIFE. Otherwise, we blow the lid off of this thing, illigitimize NE SBs, and cost the league billions. :wink:

Imagine where this is headed, man…Fair officiating! Whaaaaat???

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I don’t understand the purpose of him bulking up to 270 lbs, unless he was going to be a 4-3 DE or 3-4 OLB.

Oh dear, if that happened I don’t know if I could contain my excitement.

Fair officiating, and then we still say screw it and blow their cover AND get even more draft picks???

We can dream!

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See, this is where conspiracy theory culture gets us. For what reason would New England have gone to such lengths to sabotage the Detroit Lions? Did Bill Belichick get shot down by Martha Ford at an after hours party during his tenure as a Lion, and has harbored a deep seeded need for revenge ever since then? Actually, now that I say it out loud…


He didn’t. He planted Quinn and Patricia to help NE. deals, trades, cuts, etc.

Used the Lions as their Farm Team

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Looks like somebody will have to gain al the weight back…

Fatty Patty and Tavai just hung out in restaurants on off days. They both ballooned. They’ll be pairing up for NE McDonslds commercials soon enough

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Hahahaha nice X-Files gif… and I was going to say, just give me some time to connect some imaginary dots… it’s part of a deep conspiracy to discover the inner workings of every other nfl team and front office who then have their moles secretly channeling info back to NE headquarters… the NFL men in black, the NFL smoking men… hmm…

Running a scheme with the wrong players to better understand the nfc north and have intel on the nfc north teams…

Ok I’m done with the BS mental gymnastics :crazy_face:

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