Fishing.... It's Time!

Continuing the discussion from *** Official Lions at Patriots Game Day thread ***:

@LineBusy… Are we going with live bait or lures for bass!?

Fish Bass GIF


I was thinking some stinky old liver for catfish.


What a team… I couldn’t even make it to halftime yesterday before I had to turn it off and went hiking. I really don’t think I can watch anymore this year. This team just aint any fun. It’s just painful to watch.


I had to stop drinking before I started breaking shit. I should have never sold my bass boat….

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Honestly dude, they aren’t worth our time to let them make us angry. Just laugh at them and turn the game off, that’s what they deserve. We have all seen this movie before, some might say it’s a horror movie, I prefer to look at it as a comedy.

That’s where I was the last 5 years or so. ■■■■■■■ Hard Knocks got me believing. Then the offense started off on fire and that sucked me in. Honestly I thought we would be lucky to be 2-3 before the break….but the way we’ve played these last 2 games has been unbelievable. How the hell do you score 45 and get shut out the next week? The Pats aren’t even a good team and we didn’t belong on the field with them. Yea I’m pretty much done with the season for a little while.


Haha I hear you man! With selective editing Hard Knocks can make any team look legit. We got played.

On the side of hope (which is not a strategy as Jeff Blashill told us) if memory serves we had our worst game before the bye last year against Philly, went into the bye week and regrouped, and, well, kept playing hard and got a win eventually!

So maybe we bury this tape again (I know…) have a good week off where all 38 injured guys get healthy and we come out looking better than we have.

Hey, it could happen!

yeah right whatever GIF

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We already got our win this year bud! Hopefully everyone enjoyed it! haha

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Hey now we had two last year, so that means we still have one more to look forward to!!! :wink:

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We had 3 last year and a tie!

Jim Carrey Chance GIF

Very realistic shot at the number 1 pick next year.

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Oh right!!! See, everything seems a little better and not so bad the morning after!

Lol I hope you enjoyed your hike. I made it to about 7 minutes left and then turned it off. For self preservation purposes I am doing that thing I do where I emotionally detach myself. So now I can still watch and enjoy-ish, or just carry on with the day.

Oh yeah and no more drinking during lions games because that is a guarantee to put me in a bad place. And I’m still able to function afterwards!

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I’m impressed you made it that long. When I got back to the car after a 90 min hike, it was pretty close to 4pm so I turned on the radio for shits and giggles. Dan Miller said to TJ Lang, “T.J. can you confirm that is the punter on the field for New England?”

They both laughed and informed the audience it was the 1st punt the Lions forced since the 4th Quarter of the Vikings game. 8 full quarters later. And then Miller said, “It’s better to laugh than cry” - I quickly changed the station to Country music. haha true story

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Hahaha, what a comment to come into to see how it was going… Dan miller is good and he is very right - better to laugh than cry

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I went outside to play with my kids after the fumble-six.


Salmon are still in most Great Lakes tributaries.
Soon, Steelhead.
And, of course, it’s small game, and bow season.
Spending time in nature always puts things in perspective for me.
Everything is either an occupation, or a pass time.
How we choose to pass our time says a lot about us.
I’ve watched a few games, but, I went fishing one week, and thankfully, yesterday was my grandson’s birthday party, and it was from 1:00-4:00.
Glad I spent the time with my family. I plan on doing that much more.


The difference this year is that the coaching staff is the biggest reason we’re not winning. Until that changes I don’t know what hope to have.


I’m with you. Trying to become Lion-free. It’s getting easier and easier each week. Only watched the AG presser this last week. I won’t watch anymore at this point. Just too nauseated by them right now.


I’d rather listen to Live at Fillmore East & Eat a Peach on a Sunday afternoon…RIP Duane, Gregg & the rest of the Band…One of a Kind…


It’s tough man. I’m trying to stay optimistic, or at least levelheaded, but damn if they don’t consistently challenge that every year.

I wouldn’t know I consider myself lions free, but one thing I’ve noticed I consistently do every year we are bad is this - start the season with lots of optimism, get excited, get upset, all that through the first handful of games. Then at some point in October, by Halloween at the latest, I just go into this acceptance mode that we aren’t good and I don’t get upset anymore. I’ll still get excited when they do something good, and I still have moments of frustration, but I suppose I’ve conditioned myself to just let it go as quickly as it comes. Then I can not stress about the rest of the season and actually still enjoy watching other games the rest of the year. Because when we lose and we are still “in it” it’s hard for me to watch another pro game.

The last time I remember being excited or still strongly invested about them after thanksgiving was probably 2017.

So I don’t know if that qualifies as Lions Free, however it makes the rest of the season tolerable and maybe even somewhat enjoyable regardless of what they do. Next year I might try entering the regular season more at the level I am now… we’ll see. It’s tough at the beginning of the year because everyone is so excited for football to start.

Anyway that’s been my personal journey for the last 5-10 years or so lol. I hope that helped in some small way, and even if not, we’ll always still talk about them, you’re not alone!