Ford Field Getting New Turf in Jan

Hopefully, its player friendly.


Wonder if this is just for aesthetics, or if they’re making it safer?


Hopefully they go with real grass… you know how i love the grass!


I’m hoping this is a sign they’re listening to the players to make Detroit a FA or college player hopeful destination


This is a massive advantage when your players get to play more than half of their games on a safer field. What if that move reduces injuries by 10 or 15%?

Get’r’ Done, Sheila


Whatever surface it is, it won’t be the same crud that they had before.

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I grow good grass… maybe the Ford’s would hire me?


Dude, if they get back in Calvins good graces, they can get top shelf medicinal for a song.


With your background, your degree, and what you are up to in the world…they might.

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I was the head scientist at a facility much larger than his…

Calvin spoke at a vegas conference i went to before Thanksgiving but i didnt get the chance to speak with him.


It seems like it shouldn’t be atrociously difficult to engineer a field that’s even safer than grass and dirt.

I’m not saying that they have, but it sure seems like we ought to have enough experience with the shortcomings of past artificial turf types to keep the good parts and improve the bad parts.


And where are you located?:laughing:


Currently in Waterford. I just started a new company with 2 brilliant men and our first lab is in Berwick, Me. We have 3 million dollars worth of equipment so im supposed to relocate there soonish. Genetic sequencing, tissue culture, and a bunch more fun nerd stuff to do there.


It’s previously planned, (Edited to add, no it wasn’t, as mentioned in a later post by Meinke) so that’s hard to know for sure. We pretty well know that it’s not just aesthetics, though.

Seems like there is a certain lifecycle expected for the stuff they have now and that replacing on a schedule is baked into the plan.

The question of safety needs further exploration. One study says one thing, another says something else.

What’s interesting is hearing the St Brown brothers talk. Ra likes ours, but doesn’t like Dallas’s. If the Lions were to change turf providers, guess what they’d be installing…

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Well, crap. Too far of a drive. “Family Provisions” is right down the street.:rofl:

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More news on this


Cool. So they are sticking with the same manufacturer and not putting in the Hellas product that the 'boys use.

Help me out: is this good or bad? Sarcasm is tough on the internet:)

Neither. It’s just that as this was discussed a few weeks ago you kind of wondered where they might be headed, between their studies and public pressure. There are basically 2 providers in the NFL; FieldTurf (Tarkett) and Hellas.

Then, as the St Brown bros discussed turf vs grass, Ra mentioned Dallas as turf he didn’t like, which made this even a little more interesting.

The fact that they’re staying with FieldTurf and are doing this now says that they’re confident in the research data that points to FieldTurf as causing fewer severe injuries.

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Megatron always preferred grass over turf!