Give Chris Jones a blank check

Honestly I would rather stack us at DT and DE and then draft CBs.

Are you talking Khalil Mack? Is he even available?

Is it ? the young players shit them selfs in biggest game of there career, a star veteran player may help hold them together. Some things only can take you so far.

Perhaps the young guys shit themselves because they are young and it was the biggest game of their career. And maybe the veteran that we pay a lot for just takes the money and becomes more of a bad influence on the young kids—it’s happened to us before.

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This answer is cake. Replace Alim with Jones in a Detroit heartbeat, then you have BroMart the great when you need more of a gap filler. Gee that was easy!

We’ve been burned so many times. Once he secures his bag, he’s not going to care. Stay away from high cost free agents

It would equivalent to Reggie White going to GB . This would be huge

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Yeah but I trust Holmes not to make that same mistake. And I don’t think I have ever heard Jones being anything but competitive.

I’m exactly the opposite… I’d sign corners and draft DT and DE. Elite corners cost less in FA and the position takes longer to develop than linemen


Normally that’s how I am as well. I am just skeptical that we can notch an immediate impact star DE at the end of the first. If we get a great CB in free agency but still can’t generate a pass rush outside of Hutch, I am not sure that we win any more. Dominant pass rush with at least prospects at DB would be immediately better.

Now for cap purposes and longevity, I would much rather do it the way you suggested.

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And you should want a Super Bowl. But you are a fan. And the lions were a josh reynolds Catch away from thr super bowl…not a overpriced elite DT who you are paying for services already done for someone else.

I said you don’t typically see the historically stable franchises make these type of moves. Bills haven’t won a super bowl, ravens haven’t won a super bowl, the niners haven’t won a super bowl. The von miller deal looks bad. The OBJ deal was bad and didn’t produce. Smith is a stud, williams and CMAC are studs…they have one more year on their window (speculation). We have the big ticket stars that people would want to sign. We have Gibby (our cmac) we have our williams (sewell) we have our bosa ( hutch).

So lets sign a 30 year old (next season) dt to a blank check when his own team he won 3 super bowls w doesn’t want to AND DL specifically DT is not prioritized this way in detroit. Let’s see what martin does next year. People are on one hand bro huggjng over brad’s first 4 picks and on the other hand hating on the 5th pick like he somehow forgot betweeb picks how to evaluate talent.

That last play was more about niners gaffe’s then jones.

  1. no one blocked him.
  2. designed to go to jennings and only jennings.
  3. aiyuk was WIDE open but was never looked at bc point 2.
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Good enough for Holmes and MCDC……good enough for me. Just haven’t seen Holmes splash money on a huge free agent yet unless I’m forgetting someone.

You are smarter then this.

You are asking if the model is working?

Gibbs-pro bowl rookie.
Laporta- All pro rookie.
St. Brown- All Pro. 2x pro bowler
Sewell- all pro, 2x pro bowler. Be Lineman in football.
Hutch-pro bowler

No one was thinking the lights were too big vs the rams or the bucs. No one was thinking the lights were too big when Gibby put everyone on skates w his td vs the niners. He fumbled. Its football, shit happens.

Only so far got us to the NFC Title game and a 17 point lead. Don’t be that guy.

No he hasn’t but doesn’t mean he won’t if the right guy was there and cost was right, everyone said last year we wouldn’t sign many FAs that brad wouldn’t spend and he surprised and signed quit a few. Brad will never just out bid everyone but he may make fair offer and someone takes it . Just kinda like CJ. Jones isn’t going anywhere

Yeah and one of the biggest collapses in play off history I believe they said, and yes holmes has drafted great and all them players helped get us here, but doesn’t mean a little veteran help couldn’t help the young guys hold it together.

Okay, stick to what you believe. Like it. However, giving a blank check isn’t a little veteran help. Lets not act like monty isn’t a 5 year vet. That the lions dont have vets all over the field. You seemingly advocating for a big ticket vet w a big ticket price tag. That is different then a savy vet. The rookies are not the reason we lost.

Dude your totally off base , I never said to get a big ticket anything, I just said I would definitely be ok with Jones on this team. And said Holmes may be willing if he thought the fit was there. I think fit is is what he looks for and not rather it a high priced guy. And vet presents might help the young guys.

And the rookies are part of the reason we lost not just them but they had there moments too.

Mouse, I said seemingly. You did say a star veteran player may be what the young guys need in a thread about a veteran dt in chris jones. Brad never said a big FA signing is what they need this offseason.

I think the main reason most of us are pushing the issue is we need a little more star power up front. As good as Holmes is, it’s going to be tough to find a year 1 player that can have the impact we need up front.

I understand what he said recently, but he has also stated they would be willing to go big in FA for the right fit.

My expectations are that we don’t get involved in any bidding wars for the top of the market players though.


Yeah Meant like the guy they were talking Chris Jones.

I’ve actually been advocating for guys like
CB Isaac Yiadom
DE Denico Autry
DE D.J. Wonnum
And my big ticket would be Snead I’ve talked signing him