Goff Contract details

This is the only reason I like Florio, he has sources to get the details. Anyways, based on his details, this is what I am showing. We’d have a hard time getting out early (I’m definitely not worried about that).

J Goff

New Money is $222 (reported 212) and APY is $55.6M (reported $53M). It was reported by Breer and Palessaro that there was a 2028 Option. I’m sure it’s the same as ARSB’s option, I took a guess on the option amount, but according to Jason at OTC, the final year option is (if exercised) a way to negotiate over the summer and reduce the option year cap charge. Genius on Lions FO.


So he IS actually the highest-paid QB in the league by APY then, right?

That’s a lot of cash sure hope Goff comes through.

Maybe, I’d wait to see what OTC comes up with when they get the contract details, Jason dwarfs Florio’s knowledge of contracts.


So far, he’s delivered more than any Lions QB in the last 60 years.
Frankly, the Lions would have been smart to have gotten the deal done last year, but, for whatever reason, here we are.


Not so much the cap hit but looks like he’s getting a chunk of cash this year, leaving a relief for next year to sign Hutch. The following year we’re gonna need cash. Branch, Campbell, Gibbs and LaPorta all come due.


Im very confused!!!
“Total 5 years $235.6”
Meaning he was owed 27.3 before so that means its a 208.3m extension? Correct?

This not me in real life…i swear…i have less hair.

Lets Go Yes GIF by Cameo

But this is an awesome contract and let’s be real…he is gonna sign another one here barring some catestrophic thing…so that last year most likely isn’t real as it stands now…OP is right…genius.

I got $249,611,000/5yrs, Old money was $27,300,064, $222,310,936 New Money over 4yrs for $55, 577,734 in new money.

He should, no other QB has ever been in the situation he is from coaching to front office to the players around him.


This is something nobody can argue with.

The players around him is debatable. There have been some talented rosters over the years. (Some).
But nobody can deny that MCDC and Holmes are far and away better leaders than anyone who’s been here in my lifetime.


I agree with what you have.
But what he’s reporting with the 5 year total doesn’t add up to what you have. So somewhere a number is off in his reporting.

Well have to wait to see the OTC file

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Well, it should agree with Florio’s numbers, that’s my intent. There is a $5M roster bonus that was already paid in March of this year that isn’t in his summary (unless the Lions and Goff agreed to postpone the payment - possible), but everything else is supposed to be in his summary.

I guess my total cash doesn’t equal his, but I took his numbers, he must have made an addition error. He has 2027 Base of $50M in one place and $40M in another and when he totals the guarantees for 2027, it totals $44M, lol 3 different numbers.

I changed it so that 2027 is $40M and I kept the $5M 2024 roster bonus in there, as Florio probably didn’t get that number. But with $40M, it equates to the new money of $212M and $53M APY.

I like that in 26/27 the base salary is high but 28 its low and we can always restructure his contract in those years if we need to


Thoughts from Jason at OTC on the Goff extension:


This Goff signing just reminded me of just how over the barrel Dak has Jerruh. And that makes me happy.


Especially if he lets the season play out before offering a contract as rumored. A couple might top Burrow before Dak gets paid.


Dak is going to push 60m. He has so damn much leverage.


I’m hoping he signs on the eve of FA next March for 65mil/apy. After the cap has gone up again and right before Jerry is gonna lose him. Max that contract out.

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Have there been any very successful or elite SB winning QB who hasn’t had some elite talent around him and a great front office and or coach?

Would Brady have been the GOAT without Gronk and BB? Would Mahomes be Mahomes without Reid and Kelce?