Goff vs Stafford #s since trade


As the teeth whitened… the hat straightened.

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It was necessary. Full sunlight bouncing off those tic tacs could cause permenant retinal damage to innocent bystanders

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5 of 7 appearances with coach Campbell

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Guarantee it

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I live in central California and we still get alerts when Stafford is in SoCal that we should be careful when looking south. Thankfully after the eclipse you can pretty much pick up the protective eyewear for free.


The fact that the Rams won the SB is only a part of the analysis. When taking in the whole trade it was a master class by Holmes.

But I get the SB or bust grading. That is also a fair discussion. I am just not inclined to have the analysis be 100% one item. By the Lions making it to the NFCCG I feel like the team victory thing is balancing out and the overall talent haul by Lions gives them the nod.

For sure both teams got out of the trade what they wanted. This seems to be a 100% fact

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I love how Goff has played for us and hoping he wins us one.

But boy do I wish it could be Stafford that helped us win a SB.

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He does have that something about him. Dude is a warrior and I am happy that he got a SB win. Now unfortunately for him the Lions must crush his soul…LOL

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Those numbers are pretty crazy. I do think the team around you makes an enormous difference. As well as injuries as etc. Like, Stafford had a team that was MILES better than the Lions in 2021. But he got hurt in 2022. Etc…

In my opinion, three years out, we ‘won’ the trade (if such things can be quantified). Both teams ended up with a franchise QB. But Goff is younger, we will have him for longer, and we got several other very good (to great) players. I know we have not won a super bowl yet. However, it takes more than a QB to win one. I believe we are set up for a better 4 year run than the Rams are.

Of course, things change quickly in the NFL. But for the first move from a rookie GM with a terrible team, it was a pretty amazing deal.


This is one of those trades where both sides got what they needed. I had initially (and wrongfully) thought that Goff’s contract was thrown in to make the money work. Someone, and I do not remember who, told me I was wrong immediately. He would be proven to be correct.

So their numbers have mirrored each other and that is impressive. I respect both as very good non-elite, but franchise QBs. Both can man the QB spot for a Super Bowl winning team. Neither will be mentioned into the discussion of the top one or two QBs in the league (my definition of elite: top 5%. If you prefer top 10% you are looking at basically top 3.).

In the end, both are great QBs. They are different but I like both of them. Each impacted the Lions in a positive way.


Look, I really liked Stafford but there is no denying the similarities in quality of QB play. Goff has as many different strengths as Stafford.

For my part I wouldn’t trade them back straight up, especially given Goff’s age.

It ends here for me.

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By light years. What we got in that haul is worth more than any player in nfl history.

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Saw this on Reddit. Found this interesting. A poster made a table showing 4th quarter splits as a Lion


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Yeah but that win is a superbowl. Hardly the same. In fact we had a 20 lead in the championship game and loss.

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I’m the blind guy that saw all of this coming before we had a single win under Dan Campbell. Take that into account…or not. :wink:

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