Green Bay is going to beat San Francisco

We’re gonna smash Green Bay’s face in if they end up coming here.


very possible GB wins. still not convinced Purdy is all that.
I honestly don’t care who we play though. This is our year.

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I think Green Bay gets killed.

They are very week to week. One week they’ll look amazing and the next week they are losing to Tommy Devito

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LoL. Of course that’s what you see.

Love it

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I would love to take the rubber match against Green Bay at our house.
But man talk about triggering PTSD.
VS Packers last game of the season winner advances has not been a good scenario for us. Losing to them at home to end our season while they go to the Bowl would be the absolute worst way to end.
Maybe our destiny is to wipe that slate clean too, I don’t know.
I’m torn, but I think beating San Fran at their house might be better, then nobody could say we didn’t win against any of the teams that were clearly a tier above us. (So the narrative was) Let SF kick the Pack out.


Don’t see it.
GB Linebacker/Edge is out, may have tore his acl against Dallas.
GB cornerback Alexander was also injured, I’m not sure if he is back or not.
(responding to posts as I read the thread, so may have already been covered)

There’s also logos from things called the super bowl host committee and those have been hints as well. Yku can’t deny that 56,57 are very specific.
But 58 is more symbolic. The purple is symbolic hint imo. It won’t be Ravens.
The purple is a clue of another sort. Or it’s saying red vs blue and the red wins. Red could 5 of the teams left in the race. Blue is obviously Bills.
Sorry, I don’t think light blue is involved.

I’m really undecided about lions in this round or the next. But I don’t think a first time team like them is going all the way. And they’d only win if it was vs Texans probably. I’m starting to lean Buffalo.
Not sure about NFC. But I damn well can almost guarantee it won’t be SF. Front runners more often then not get ousted in playoffs. And Purdy is already spooked by Ravens.
I think he will be known as Mr irrelevant in playoffs. Just like Dak.
I mean, the league doesn’t even use him. He’s in no commercials that I see, or nothing. Which means he truly isnt a focal point. Neither is Lamar.

A revenge game for a right to go to SuperBowl?? Ford Field would be so electric!!!

Excited Fired Up GIF by Detroit Lions

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so while I would love another home game…I REALLY don’t want to play the packers again right now, especially with our secondary.

They are playing ridiculously well right now and I don’t think we could stop them, and their defense is good enough to stop us on a couple drives and that would be game over for us.

That’s EXACTLY what I thought when they beat the snot out of the Cowboys last week


I think it’s crazy to want the 49ers over the Packers.

The 49ers are a tier above everyone else in the NFC and it isn’t close.

I will be hoping, wishing, praying, making sacrifices to every god in every religion for the Packers to knock the 49ers off and give the Lions a shot at hosting an NFC Championship game at Ford Field.

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The Packers seem more like an “indoor team” than a “cold weather” team. That said…I don’t see them beating the 49ers because of McCaffery and Deebo and the 49ers defense is not the Cowboys defense…they are much bigger and way more physical. They won’t take Weiner out of the game or Bosa as easily as they took Parsons out of the game.


I’m with you. 49ers are going to win … convincingly.


The revenge game might be the Packers , I mean we beat them and knock them out of playoffs last year. They probably are wanting to be king of the north and Knocking us out of the playoffs in a revenge game is a good place to start, probably at the top of there list.

I also think this may happen and that there is no way SF is going to cover a 10 point spread.

To be clear I am saying I think the packers cover 10 easily.

McCaffery is going to have 200 yards

Us vs Green Bay with a Super Bowl on the Line

That phrase triggers my PTSD from the times we had a Week 17 game with the Packers with the Division Title on the line.

My Packer fan friends (I have a lot since I lived in WI for 4 years in the 2000’s) are convinced they are running the table after this weekend

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Logically…this is absolutely correct thinking.

After losing at home to the Packers on TDay and the streak they have been on since…combined with multiple Week 17 games with the Packers for the Division Title, both home and away where we got kicked in the nuts…I can’t get my head around wanting the Packers over anybody. But that is just a PTSD based emotional thing

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The CheezWhiz beating the Niners would be nightmare for me. It would confirm its late season upward arc and the prospect of a third HOF QB in a row.

I want the Niners to expose every crack in their armor and rout The Cheese Puffs. Make no mistake the Packers are our main competition next year and going forward. Their extremely young team will have an expected bounce in production due to experience AND they 12 draft picks in 2024 including 2 2nds and 2 3rds.

Niners, help me sleep this off-season.


And they unfortunately have an eye for talent.