'He's Really Advanced': Lions Mekhi Wingo Impressed Coaches

Oh god. What have you done?

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Dude, adults are chanting ā€œJared Goffā€ in banks and what not. The shark was jumped long ago.


The Michael Jackson kick is on brand from the rookie song, though, I bet they planned that out. I donā€™t know about the hip shimmy though. Itā€™s fine I guess.

Mark Gastineau is kind of my Northern Star for the meathead DL sack dance. The production needs to scream Defensive Lineman.

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Who was it that used to crawl around on all fours? I donā€™t think it was every time but I really liked that one.

The colder it is the more money I save :beers:

As long as nobody does the Tulloch sack celebration :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Before Michigan and football stardom, Hutch was into Asian street dancing at a studio that was about half male. As a skinny teenage he got bullied for it and transferred high schools. Turns out heā€™s better at football than dancing.

Classic Lions football moment:

Stop It Michael Jordan GIF

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Heā€™s a 6th round pick. Heā€™ll be lucky if he makes the team.

Not being negative i just try to keep my expectations low. By all means Wingo kill it!

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I just got off the phone with Jon. Jon says heā€™s making the team.

One of the things that I appreciate about Wingo is that he will fail because of his physical abilities and not because of effort or mastering of his craft. This is one of the keys to building a successful roster and org. And honestly what I love about this staff is that they clearly draft with this as one of the main characteristics that weigh heavily. I can not think of a Lions team that is so full of hard working focused dudes. The recent news on Buggs should help all understand why/how things ended in Detroit for him.

I always say at work that we should fail because we are dumb. But we should never come up short in effort or preparation. We will always have failures and mistakes. But they should be easily found and we should always be able to learn.


There are dangers inherent to going old-school and attempting subtle humor without the aid of emojis. I donā€™t want you attracting any more mobs than necessaryā€¦ :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face:

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What I found interesting is what Tyrell Williams said: ā€œSometimes rushing the passer is pairing up certain guys with certain players. If youā€™ve got a guy thatā€™s a speed guy and he runs up the field, then you need a guy opposite him that can crush the pocket so we donā€™t create big seams in there," Williams said. "Iā€™ve always liked to put bigger guys on the edges sometimes and put some of the smaller guys inside.
This philosphy makes so much sense. Have guys push on the outside while having guys on the inside speed rush and get in the QBā€™s face. Why havenā€™t we, or a lot of other teams, use this? Is this the impact of Williams? Is it the talent? Will this be the difference between last year and this year?

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Donald went on to have a Hall of Fame career with the Los Angeles Rams

Did I fall asleep and miss a few years?

One of my friends reminded me that when we met at a music festival many years ago i was brushing my teeth with Jamesonā€¦

What? it works better than toothpaste to kill morning breath.

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I have this terrible feeling Mekhirena is going to become a thing.

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I know that speed kills, but Jameson also kills morning breath?

Lions Detroit GIF by The Undroppables

Because itā€™s a lot easier said than done. Pure agility and speed wonā€™t beat an NFL G/C. You canā€™t go ā€œaroundā€ them.

Thereā€™s a requisite minimum of strength needed, as well, so the pool of guys who can pressure the QB consistently from the inside is small, especially if you canā€™t have them getting bullied in the run game.