Hilarious Bryce Young moment...He probably doesn't agree

NY Giant staffer asks if Young will be seen over the microphone.

Video in the tweet




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He should have walked in all scrunched down.

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Bryce Young is talented, but what happens when his 180 pound frame gets hit by a 320 pound DT a few times.

Imagine a guy like Suh in his prime hitting Young. That would be like a high speed traffic accident.

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Imagine Suh stepping on him much less hitting him, not sure what would be worse.

Training camp shot.

Haha hilarious. I wasn’t ready for that @BitterSyd

I just want to point out that Young is 5’10 205 lbs and Jahmyr Gibbs is 5’9” and 199lbs.

They’re basically the same size.


Gibby is an animal.
young is an animal’s lunch.

Dude played in the SEC. He’s had 320 dudes hitting him since he got on campus.


Good point Jim! Although that 17 game regular season in the nfl hits a little different. I’m just not a fan of tiny QB’s, so I will admit my bias. Vision, seeing over the massive O-line and durability are my main reasons why. Don’t call me shortphobic, :wink:

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I’m more worried about durability of a smaller RB or WR than a QB. Quarterbacks are so protected by the rules that I don’t think it’s the problem it once was.

As for vision. I do think there’s some room for concern there but It doesn’t seem to effect other QB’s in similar height. Like Russell Wilson, and Kyler Murray

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All good points, even Brees was pretty short, worst case scenario Bryce moves to Canada and is Doug Flutie 2.0.

After what the Panthers did to us last year, I sure hope Young sucks.

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I will go back to what has already been said. He played at Alabama. His offensive lineman were NFL sized guys.

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Lots of small RBs stay healthy…it’s weird.

I still don’t like where on the body short QB’s get hit. RB’s are moving forward and take contact in a certain way. QB’s are backing up to throw the ball, rather than bracing for contact. They get hit too close to the neck and they don’t have the body mass to absorb it. Also, the shorter ones must scramble to see the feild and this makes them vulnerable to hits from different angles. Low centre of gravity is an advantage for RB’s but not for QB’s as far as I can tell. I like would always take a tall QB.


Its illegal to hit a QB at the neck area. Shorter QBs have less of a strike zone for defenders to hit in the modern NFL. Steph Curry is one of the biggest basketball stars in the world. There was a series of rule changes that made it possible. The NFL has made rule changes that allow smaller QBs to succeed.

This hit sounds like what you are worried about. This hit cost the 49ers the game, because of a penalty.

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Size matters! @maggie.m agrees, tiny QB’s no thank you lol

Actually laughing. But I agree . . .

Great point! I hadn’t thought about this.

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