Hooker struggles in OTA

I told you so!


shit I HOPE HH can be better than Hill was !!!


Fountain was a steady guy at UNI, good on routes, not much speed but a vertical over 42". Offensive MVP of East/West Shrine game, don’t sleep on him, though I firmly believe that he’s PS material at this point. His best hope might be kind of a Josh Reynolds deal where he can be the guy or A guy with a QB like Hooker. I don’t see him making the field with Goff unless the WR room gets hit with injuries.

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You beat me to it about Hill ….

He wasn’t looked at as a NFL prospect; was not invited to the 2002 Scouting Combine. Shaun was undrafted in the 2002 NFL Draft. He ended up signing as a free agent with the vikes…

Just off thier compared drafting positions and potential…. We should literally have a rock star as out back up for the next two years at least…

Risdon lastest podcast: he sounds very disappointed in Hooker. To say the least it sounds like Hooker has not had a good spring.

His accuracy has been a question mark all spring. Hopefully he can pull it together in training camp because we need confidence in the back up QB especially if Goff goes down for a few weeks.

Hooker big arm but if he is not accurate what is a cannon good for?

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his earlier play was hampered by injury, that is why ‘now’ ’ he’s being looked at as a raw rookie. I heard he had a few decent plays , but the mistakes and timing are off and burying any good he ‘was’ showing, afraid he won’t be ready for another year IF they hang onto him going forward. they are letting him learn and get reps in at the moment and letting him sink or swim for now.

A 26 yo “RAW” rookie lol. Sounds like he is a career back up.

For all the people thinking he was going to be the next big star. I don’t think it happens, he had time last winter at the end of the season to get some practice time with the team m. He has also had a full year of learning in the classroom

Awkward Cute Girl GIF by DEEPSYSTEM


Way too early to tell. He’s basically had a year off. Virtually no QB looks great when he first starts getting practice reps. For example:


I think I’ll at least let him go through ONE nfl training camp before I pass judgment.



Hooker will be a success at this point if he can have a Jacoby Brisset type career. If he can be are back up for the next 3 years I’ll be happy.

I don’t expect anything in return for him as far as draft picks at this point. Just be happy if he can be a cheap back up for 3 years.

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I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. He’s barely had any practice in well over a year. He needs some time to gel with the receivers, coaching and get comfortable.

How about we wait until the end of preseason before we make assumptions.


Hooker is older than he’s ever been. Heck he will be even older tomorrow. I’m very concerned. By the time Hooker is ready, he’ll be collecting social security.


Yes but you are a pessimist who always sees the bottle as half empty. You’ve established this about yourself with damn near every post. I believe it was early December last year you said you were moving onto the draft? Somewhere around mid-season.


Maybe he just comes to the board after drinking half the bottle?


So many variables.

We’ve seen how guys like Purdy and Stroud can come in year one and have above backup player success. They have good offensive coaches that tailor to their strengths.

This offense has been tailored to Goff’s strengths. Now Hooker seemed to be kind of a similar rhythm and accuracy passer in college and why I think Holmes wanted him. That said, he has a lot to learn and it’s a complicated pro offense. If he was forced into duty, Johnson could probably cut it back and tailor it to Hooker’s strengths with less thinking and a playset that Hooker knows.

Will Hendon ever be a viable backup or eventual starter? Odds are against him like they are all QBs.

I like the pick and hope he can do well eventually!


Seeing and hearing the panic. Article weekly on the back up QB. 97.1 the last 2 days talking about the back up QB.

The word is they want Hooker to be the number 2 but he is the #3 at this point.

Hoping he can have a good camp. But starting to sound like the Lions missed on Hooker


Sorry but a 26 year old QB doesn’t have a long leash to develop.

He is pretty much who he is. If he is not that good by the end of the preseason he is probably not getting much better. At 26 his ceiling is not super high

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Do i need to go through the list of qbs who got better after they turned 26 or do you want to reconsider that stance?


Age IS a factor but damn fellas…look at how old some QBs are at this point:

Aaron Rodgers turns 41 in December.
Stafford is 36.
Russell Wilson is 36 in November.
Geno Smith is 34 in October.
Derek Carr is 33.
Dak Prescott is 31 in July.
Baker Mayfield is 29.
Kirk Cousins is 36 in August.
Jared Goff is 30 in October.

Hooker is 26 years old. Old? Yep. BUT…say he really gets up-to-speed and plays well these next three seasons making the year 2027. Hooker’s deal is expiring and he is 30 in January 2027. Goss turns 34 that season and Goff is signed through 2028. Could the Lions choose Hooker over Goff at that point? Maybe. Could the Lions extend Goff if he is still playing great AND trade Hooker? Yep.

Say Hooker goes to a team at 30 years old for a 1-3rd pick? Could Hooker give that team maybe 6+ years of good football? Yep. Hell…say a team spend decent $ for the signing as a straight free agent…that can replace Hooker maybe for a 3rd in compensation pick format. I don’t have an issue with that draft investment.

I don’t think age is that much of a factor with Hooker as some think it is. Air nailed it when he mentioned the talent level of Hooker. Fella can play. He just needs time. And the Lions can give that to him.

One other way to look at it:
Hooker counts roughly under $2 million against the cap. Maybe closer to $1.3 million. Jacoby Brissett signed an $8 million contract with the Patriots. Jameis Winston signed a 1 year $4 million deal with the Brown. Joe Flacco has a $4.5 millions deal with the Colts. Sam Darnold signed a $10 million deal in March with the Vikes. Andy Dalton signed a two-year $10 deal with the Panthers.

Point is we get three years with Hooker saying the Lions roughly $3+ million/season over a viable veteran back up as long as we have Hooker. Add that up and that can contribute directly to adding another quality player to this roster. I am also okay with that.