IMPORTANT—The Den Draft Party: Headcount Needed

They do get priority. The league wants folks who dress up and do all that stuff to be on TV. It looks good. Plus they were all diehard fans for decades, going to every game even in the lean years.
I consider myself a diehard, and I only make it in person to 1-2 game a year. These folks go to every game, home and away.
And, like others said, they’re good folks.


You can stay at Ho Jo’s in Windsor for $56/night.

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LOL…The Aubin Paradise in Canada is only $47/night and it includes a box of tissues. We could probably stack 7 to 10 in there like cord wood.

I’m gonna show up with a Sid or Tahoe name tag on me.
Or even better, Drunk Lions Fan.
That should be fun.

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I’ll wear a Dominico name tag.

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My custom Jersey is going to read Crowdnoise and have dollar signs where the numbers are


I might think about the Windsor thing because I have my passport if you don’t have one you’re not getting over there. They’re still plenty of hotel rooms like out in Livonia and Bloomfield and Farmington between 70 and 100 a night

Check that it looks like an enhanced driver’s license whatever the hell that is also works

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No, cents symbols since he loved Penny Stocks.

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It’s something you pay for when you get your license renewed. It puts a little gold star I believe on your license which means you’re cool to enter and return from either Canada or Mexico. If you have a passport great. If you don’t, it’s a nice option.


In the future you will need the Gold Star or a passport to board a plane…really. BTW, if I come to this event they should recognize my dog tags and put me up front.


I would love to BUT have had knee surgery, no way I could handle it for several hours.

Two friends and I booked an AirBnB a couple miles northwest of Eastern Market for $75 a night about a month ago.
It’ll be a decent Uber ride to downtown, but that’s fine because messing with downtown parking seems like a horrible idea.

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Is this still going to cost a mint to attend?

No cost to attend.

Download NFL One Pass, QR code after you register shows up in the rewards tab at bottom, scan for access to The Draft Experience in Hart Plaza and connected Draft Theater area, but not Inside the draft itself. There are seated spots at the draft that are by invited ticket only, then a SRO section that as it thins out from invitees, fans can go into if they are in line.

Just did it, booked parking for $25 a day at Port Atwater garage on thr opposite side of the Ren Cen from Hart Plaza, covered walkway available to RenCen.

Staying out in Livonia or Bloomfield, not sure which yet.

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Royals at Tigers 1pm Friday of draft is $11 a ticket for LF corner seats…Draft day 2 starts at 7pm. Done dealio there


Headed to that game as well. Seats in RF.


I am so freaking bummed that I can’t attend this. For those attending, please post lots of pix!

Draft weekend is now happening sandwiched in between two trips to Miami and New York. Sigh. I will still try to make Thursday happen.


When are you in Miami?
Some good local places to eat if you are interested.

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