It's gonna snow in Philly. And Stafford sucks in the snow

I refuse to watch it. Chris Houston at DB is in that video and if I never see another replay of him in a Lions uniform again, it will be too soon.

Was it the Tiquan Underwood 85 yard TD catch and run on behalf of the Bucs that was the turning point?

To me, that was the worst play of Houston’s Lions career and a major contributor to an inexplicable loss at home (well, that and the crazy Kris Durham catch and fumble).

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I think it was this very game with him running beyond the endzone while covering a receiver.

Durham was our best WR for a period then.

He is one of Staffords best buds.

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Ohh, so many memories from that Tampa game.

Pettigrew ducking a pass for a pick.
Houston just letting someone run by him.
Kris Durham just throwing the ball back into the field of play like a good defender should. Except he played WR.
Stafford throwing up prayers to force feed Calvin.
Calvin Johnson bouncing the ball to a Buc DB to end the game.


You guys are some masochists. I will not be joining in your reliving of past traumas :sweat_smile:


A short period

That was because Alphonso Smith couldn’t cover Jordy Nelson, who kept blowing by him.

Nelson had 9 receptions for 162 yards and 3 TDs, including a 36 yarder and a 58 yarder.

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Sounds about right.

(Not looking past the Commanders, tho.)

What about week 1?


I’m working on a bulk organ donation package from someone who totally isn’t affiliated with Chinese oligarchs.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Wink GIF by Marvel Studios

For a group donation package to get top $, we need at least 10 kidneys, 5 liver halves, 3 left testicles and that guy’s leg.

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I was at that game and was watching it from behind and towards the right sideline…and we just couldnt see how it happened with Durham, and then they played it on the Jumbotron and…

Well, have you ever heard 70,000 people say YOU GOTTTA BE SHITTING ME, at the same time?

I have


Im done having kids, i can give up a testicle for a good cause.


I will say that 32 with flurries is not that big of a deal.

I was hoping more like low teens with some gusty wind.

It is the wind and more cold that cripples a passing game. I am not sure 32 is cold enough to really shut it down.

I still think the weather favors Philly but it is not dramatic enough to shut Rams down which was my hope:

I want the Eagles mostly because we already beat the Rams. Let’s beat someone new I say. Like this week we get to beat on the skins. And they are due a beating from us.


Sorry I didn’t see your post ,I added a similar post after that sorry,problem with Stafford is he will score then he will be stagnant. Higbie is back for rams , hurts passing
Questionable. First. Quarter will says A lot

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Guys game will start at 8 or 8:20, I have a ritual to take shower before game ,I don’t want to mess my timing

@stephenboyd57 @Davicus


All good man glad we agree

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Texas boy, LA team, snow.
Bad juju.
This is the importance of the 1 seed.

Actually a good question I was expecting 8:15 but it’s listed as 8pm. Good luck in the shower! :smiley:

shower finger guns GIF

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