Jameson Williams showed why Detroit Lions drafted him, and why there's reason to worry

Seems to me there are two groups on this forum at the moment relative to JW:

Group 1: Jameson-Can’t-Fail-Jihadists
Group 2: Williams-Must-Work-Rationalists

The Jihadists have weakly attempted to assail the motives of Group 2, telling us: “You want Jameson to fail. You want him to flop so you can prove you were right.”

I’d invite others here of the “Must-Work” party to chime in, but my opinion is that everyone here desperately wants Williams to succeed. JDub could be a potent playmaker, a down-field force, a difference maker. And this team really needs more at WR.

We rationalists just want tough love with the player. We support objective truth, and the stark reality that if he doesn’t raise the discipline level and effort, this might not work at all. We support Coach when he says: The kid’s gotta be there for every practice, hit the jugs machine, go all in to raising his game. The alternative? He Crashes. We burn.

Applications for the “Williams-Must-Work-Rationalists” party are at the door. We welcome all.


Are there uniform requirements?

Gymn attire. We all gotta work.

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Interested to hear from the Jameson-Can’t-Fail-Jihadists

He dropped one I agree was there more than one? See how he is treated even by your answer Yet we did see La Porta have a drop an nothing is being said about that? Why is his drop worse? Because of his name? We do know that St Brown has had drops Calvin had drops ask him Yet Jameson has a drop an right away he is attacked WHY? Do we just ignore the one handed catch or others he made during a preseason game? Just leave him alone till end of season an then decide who an what he is.

I guess i meant bonehead plays

Maybe, for starters, because he’s a frequent no-show for practice. Just perhaps maybe that’s WHY!

I just think fans are to fast to jump on him . I just want him to learn an develop an not have media an others only point out his mistakes.

By the way had the QB just threw that pass he did drop a little further he may have caught it he was pulling away from defender . It was good defense an thats what they get paid for also. The drop by La Porta also was not great pass but he did drop it. Every WR drops a pass it happens an every QB pass is not perfect. Both players are young an learning. I recall game where Randy Moss dropped a perfect pass down sideline was a TD for sure an same game he caught two almost same type pass for TDs . The point is it happens both ways. Jamo caught the 2 point pass with one hand an everyone ignores that.

He has not missed any practice he was excused one practice week or two ago. Best get facts straight on this board. I don’t agree with posts but everyone makes sure what they post is fact.

He can be excused for just being dinged up since its preseason game or practice . The one he missed Dan even said he was excused .

There … fixed now. :wink::sunglasses::grin::+1:


hmm like that name-however, I don’t recall a single poster ever saying “he can’t fail.” The jury is in court and we are waiting for a final verdict on one Jameson Williams.

You advocate a cacoon.

No timetables. No responsibilities. Show up one day, sleep through another…it’s all good. And gawd forbid anyone point out things to improve upon. Demanding voices? Can’t have that.

Whatever I will not waste my time posting responce anymore to you I never argue with stupid.

The back 2 defenders are barely on the screen, like 8+ yards away, the LB is in front of the play, and the CB is trailing…that’s an open receiver in the NFL. Sudafed just failed to drop it in the bucket, sailed it because of the LB.

Whether or not it’s “fair” the combo of the ACL when he was drafted, and the 6 game suspension alone would have many fans frustrated.

We gave up #32, #34 and #66 for Jamo and Paschal- then we say C Watson have a near 80 pff rating and 7 tds as a rookie. We saw Pitre and Brisker blow up as rookies. A pair of RB look like studs in Walker and B Hall- and there were some nice OL options and a I really liked DT Travis Jones.

If Paschal is a 16-17 game starter and rips off 7-9 sacks with impressive run D, it will certainly make me feel better about the whole trade….

In order for me to change how I feel about Jamo, I need either BIG production, OR a different approach. Stay off social media, don’t take videos in the off-season doing dumb shit. Don’t gamble, excessively speed, drink and drive or anything else for quite some time.


I’m mostly on the same page, but not sure I agree with the choice of “names” for the groups.

I want Jamo to not only be a success, but to truly thrive. We desperately need him to! There is valid reason to be concerned about having an expected WR1/2 with 1 catch though his first 23 potential nfl games. There are also some of us that have some CRog ptsd still.

Fact- he hasn’t been available to us, and much of that was self inflicted. Stupid punishment or not, the kid had 1 catch as a first round pick rookie. I would have like to see a near perfect off-season. Weights, jugs machine and working out with Ra, not Calvin freaking Ridley!!!

The kid has plenty of time to change the narrative, but I already see some back pedaling further away from giving him high expectations again in 2023-

I wouldn’t be shocked if he had 500 yards and 4 TDs- I’m hoping for 850 and 7-8 TDs…. I think 350 yards and 3 tds is possible though, and that makes mer nervous.

  • injuries, suspensions, poor play…. Whatever the reason that a guy isn’t filling up the no score doesn’t really matter does it?

Many in here were happy to move on from Swift after 3 years of inconsistent availability…. Jamo will have missed ALMOST TWICE AS MANY GAMES THROUGH 2 YEARS AS SWIFT DID THROUGH 3!

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Jamo was always a 2023 pick. The problem is your narrative that just isn’t true that you are trying to spin and manipulate with numbers. This 1 catch through 23 games crap. 2022 does not matter and it shouldn’t. How do you not understand this at all?

Game 7 of this year is basically (realistically) his game one. It’s your fault you didn’t understand the situation when he was drafted. You try to make everything sound so dramatic.


There was also reports about him working out with st brown… gotta love the selective memory when people want to discuss problems with jamo.

Second why mention speeding, drunk driving etc, when i believe he hasnt done that but so many were looking to draft jalen carter after his very public maturity issues.

Kid made some stupid social media choices and doesnt present as the smartest of individuals. I suppose that i view it as outside of the gambling, which most would argue the punishment way exceeds the “crime of physical proximity”, nothing he has done outside of football is really a concern for me.

By all accounts he loves football and at least recently has been ratcheting up his intensity in practice. Regardless of any of that, you are right that he will have made only 1 official reception through the first 23 potential games of his career and if we want to judge his future based on him having a known acl tear when we drafted him (wasnt expected to do much last season at all) or got caught on a technicality of where he was when he placed a bet than i suppose he will be a failure.

I choose to look at the amount of separation he had on routes that year, that every time he got the ball or we tried to get him the ball that he was outrunning guys or behind the defense. He basically had 3 touches last year, if you count the called back gb play which wasnt his fault, and they all went for over 40 yards i believe? Guy may never be a high efficiency and high volume target but my god the dude at a minimum is an athletic nightmare that can force a defense out of the box. If he can solidify his hands, which werent dramatically bad at alabama, than i believe he will be just fine.

Jamo has never had amazing hands. That drop is typical of one of his bad plays. He doesn’t have bad hands but they’re not elite level either. He does a lot of other things that are elite. Poor effort, I don’t agree with that, he just whiffed.

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I think questioning his maturity is understandable

but i wouldnt question his effort, kid loves football, coaches, including MCDC rave about his love and work ethic

He wants to succeed, and his willingness to block aswell is also a plus.

I could also see him turning into our KR when he returns from suspension now that Justin Jackson has retired, and its one that needs filling.

Could see Kaliff take up the role for the moment until he returns.