Jameson Williams showed why Detroit Lions drafted him, and why there's reason to worry

What’s the problem with working out with Calvin Ridley anyway? Because he bet on a game while he was away from the team? The dudes one of the elite route runners in football and a stud on the field.

It’s only a problem for those trying to pile on. Calvin Ridley is excellent role model for a fellow WR.

I’m a founding member of the Jamojahideen.

I think part of the fan perspective on Jamo has to do with how much Honolulu Blue Kool-Aide is flowing. For those who are guzzling this potent concoction, the thought of Jamo not meeting expectations, also carries with it the reality that it makes it less likely that the Lions will go far into the playoffs this season.

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Some of it is also that a few posters have strong convictions regarding the talent they saw in 2021 and how rare that talent is. :man_shrugging:

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I don’t recall a player that has barely played , being so picked on since I first started coming to the Den . maybe JW blows his opportunity…maybe he turns into a nice piece for this team-I can’t say either way–because Jamo, has played very little.

The kid is pushing a 300 pound ball up a hill already because he will miss 6 games this season-bare minimum.

And I’m firmly in the kids corner, but I also realize that if he can just start actually doing what he’s supposed to do, all the criticism will be silenced.


The good thing with Jamo is the speed and agility appear to still be fully intact. You never know with a knee injury. You look at a guy like Edgerrin James and he was a shell of the player he was before.


Right. I mentioned that a few times when people said he proved nothing last year. He proved the juice was still there which was of paramount importance.

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This right here is the most Jamo-homerism post I have seen now.

I think DC would disagree with you given he stated several times last year
“He needs some in-game experience, even if it’s only for a couple of games, two or three games. I think those are critical to get under his belt before next year if you can do it.”

You don’t spend a #12 OA pick for a player you plan on not playing until the following year, especially at WR. QB would be the only position you would do this for.

BTW I am in the Group 1B-2 : Jameson-Must-Work- He has a good chance to succeed -Rational as can be

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What he means is…the Lions were no9t really counting on Jami until 2023. Yeah they wanted to give him some reps when he was ready last year, but he wasn’t expected to make an impact IMMEDIATELY in 2022. He was way too far behind for that to be expected.

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Well that isn’t what he stated, he clearly thinks that Jamo’s “psuedo official” first game is game 7 of this year

Jamo had no chance of touching that pass…
it was over 3 feet above him after he jumped.

Yeah, game one of expecting him to make an impact…not literally but figuratively


Jameson reminds me of when I go to Winco to shop all tired and bleary eyed, slogging my cart through the aisles….

There are always the Winco kids running through the store with reckless abandon. Little missles of youthful exuberance that bounce off everything with total disregard for decorum, space or order.

I both envy their boundless energy and curse their disruption of my slow calculated misery.

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About a decade ago I was at Winco and there was this smoking hot milf picking out citrus fruit. I didn’t notice her daughter but the little girl (probably four) must have caught me admiring her mom.

The girl comes up to me, “Daddy, daddy, is that you?”

Look at the mom (I’m single at the time), and have this internal monologue going on. “Just say yes and see what happens, you bish.”

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Oh man. You missed your chance. You could have sauntered up and leaned against the produce, looked her in the eye and said. ‘Those melons look perfect. You should check out this eggplant’

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For sure. Produce innuendo has never led me astray.


Or said to the kid. ‘afraid not kid. But I’ll see what I can do about your future sibling’

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I usually hold up some Iceberg and say, “Lettuce grab a drink.”


damn son. cool as a cucumber

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