Jamo update

As far as I can remember from CPL class, It covers any firearm in the vehicle. Passengers don’t matter unless the gun is in their possession, which since it was under Jamo’s seat (think if it was weed) then normally it would be in his possession so I think that’s where the gray area was and why phone calls were made. Also it being his gun made it even more sketchy/gray area.

To me it isn’t a big deal, If I was a cop I would 99% chance let someone go for this as long as they were honest with me and I would ream his ass for not having his CPL.

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Oh man that is a dangerous concept when it wasnt his car but that makes more sense to me than saying his brothers cpl wouldnt cover the gun


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It’s my understanding, from what I’ve seen talked about from multiple sources and read from multiple cases in the past on gun transport and possession, that his brother’s CPL SHOULD cover the transport of any registered firearm in his vehicle due to the language of MCL 28.432 . However, this isn’t really the issue.

If Jamo isn’t in the vehicle, we’re not talking about this at all. I think the big issue no one is talking about is possession. With the gun under Jamo’s seat and not on his person, Jamo clearly isn’t in active possession. However, one would make the case that he could be in constructive possession due to proximity, knowledge, access with ability to exercise dominion or control of the firearm. If Jamo is considered in possession of a concealed firearm without a CPL, his brother’s CPL would not cover this.

A good lawyer could, and would, also argue that the driver of the vehicle is in constructive possession of a gun under the passenger seat, like constructive possession is often used in other cases with firearms, drugs, alcohol, etc, where the driver/owner is hit with charges related to things found in their car. And constructive possession would also apply to Jamo’s brother because proximity, knowledge, and access - because reasonable access and dominion/control applies not only to yourself, but to someone else (a.k.a. if someone could grab a gun for you). At the very least, this could be considered joint possession, like if a firearm is sitting in the middle of a table, everyone at the table could be considered to be in possession of it.

It’s because of this gray area in possession that I don’t think Jamo would ever end up seeing charged of this, tbh. Overall, it’s really not worth the time and money to prosecute something like this where the chances aren’t as open as shut as you’d like one a charge like this to prosecute, which is why I’ve heard most people with deeper knowledge on this think it’s not going to amount to anything. Although if you had someone who really wanted to stick it to Jamo to make an example out of him? Always a possibility.


Additionally, all that to say: Get a ■■■■■■■ CPL, Jamo.

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Yeah this seems to be a clear case of prove type situation.

I love watching Jamo play. Which is clearly the issue. If he can not be fully counted on to be available then you have to ask yourself how valuable he is to the team.

I just keep coming back to this sad fact. There are actually about 70 dudes on the roster. 80% probable under 25 years old. And Jamo is the only one that has been suspended for rules violations of the NFL. I have a hard time getting around this reality.

So while I want to do some mental gymnastics on how all of Jamo’s suspensions are somehow not fair. It is just not true. He clearly is either a knucklehead or a bad seed. I 100% do not think he is a bad seed. So while you must get rid of all bad apples, you have to start asking yourself if immature players are acceptable also.

Thankfully I do not have to make these decisions. I just can sit back and judge if it was a good or bad decision based on the results after the fact. :wink:


No, he didn’t lol read the law… It’s important that you define the term “carry” properly… Legally speaking, it was not on Jameson’s person, it was in his brother’s car with his brother driving, so his brother is in possession of it. If they found cocaine under Jamo’s seat, you think he’s getting charged? Or the person driving the car? Unless the passanger admits it to being there’s and that the driver had no idea it was in the car, the driver is the one responsible for what’s in their vehicle.

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And doesn’t take no shit from a hoe



Yep I was hard on the kid…upon further review Stevenson can suck my balls. He’s a bitch. Was trying to injure Jamo and the bitch aint even on the field. That is some real weak ass bullshit. Grow a pair, stop being benched and hit Jamo on the field.


Fuk that kid… Seriously, does the league not see this and take action? What a douchebag


HEYYYY , the coaches talked to him and that and already put it behind them, they are moving on-so it’s done and over ! back to football now.

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