Justin Rogers mocks OT Penei Sewell to the Lions

Depending on the circumstances, No. 71 would be fine.

As for the latter observation, undoubtedly, there would be complaining.

Well, my Bible study group and I agree that it’s going to be Sewell or a TD …

So it’s been divinely settled!! :+1::crazy_face::heart::pray::upside_down_face:

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Here’s a couple of good ones.

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I’m going to be disappointed if there isn’t a fire Campbell/ Holmes thread after they take Slater over Sewell.

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That might be one of the funniest things I have seen


I can see them taking Slater over Sewell, if they have concerns about Sewell playing the right side and zero about Slater doing it.

Great thread! Lol!
If this O-lineman us as good as they say, I am OK with the pick.

Well, he was right.

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That’s why he closely monitors what I write in the Den, so he can be right…