Levi Onwuzurike still dealing with a back injury

Holmes, " Can’t win them all."



You can’t hit home runs, without striking out a few times! It happens!


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Hopefully the surgery will fix the problem and he’ll be 100% coming training camp and get a chance to fight for a roster spot.


To me it looks like the back injury has denim in and we won’t have to strauss about it any longer.



Maybe Levi O will be like Deandre Levy… and not really do sh*t until he resigns for a very reasonable contract then he becomes super solid.

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That is some funny Chit! :innocent:

that would b amazing. Levy was a MONSTER


“Post-surgery, patients need to take it easy for up to three months and not lift more than 10 pounds to enable the body to heal. It is also usually beneficial to develop good muscle tone in the back and abdomen to help support the spine.”

So Levi had the surgery mid October. He should he a couple weeks into building his strength back now.

“ For the study, Northwestern researchers scoured two decades of public records to determine the career outcomes of 52 NFL offensive and defensive linemen who had had herniated disc surgery during their active careers. Not only did 80 percent of the players return to the game, they also played an average of 33 games during three years after the surgery. More than half of them attained the prestigious distinction as starter at their position.

“The numbers show they were able to get back to the extreme and sustained activity of playing football on an NFL level,”


I surely di dn’t see that one coming…

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I don’t think the back is the reason he’s being given up on.

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That’s not what I’ve heard.

It wasn’t considered serious at all because all he had was a bulging disc in his back. Players play with that all the time. Very common. Usually building your core strength and proper treatment and you can decompress it and be fine. Most players medicate and play through it even when it’s bothering them.

The Lions had hopes he would work hard in the offseason and turn the corner in camp and contribute. They had him penciled in as a starter.

That all changed after one day of practice in training camp. When Levi complained he reactivated his back and then stopped working out. He worked with the team on a plan but apparently it never got any better. That’s why in July the Lions signed Buggs.

So despite doctor recommendations after seeing a bunch of doctors Levi decided it was in his best interest to have his back operated on. Which is a very uncommon thing to do for a bulging disc. Most doctors won’t do it unless the patient feels that’s their only option and have exhausted all other avenues…. But that’s what Levi wanted and he found a doctor who would do it.

If you go back and listen to Dan around the time they IRed Levi it became apparent around that time that the team was losing faith in Levi. This is when they realized this kid might be a lost cause.

What I hear is there is a lot of talk in Allen park that the staff thinks Levi doesn’t really want to play the game. Hopes are now very low on him but the team hasn’t completely given up just yet. But concerns are high that he maybe done.


Levi didn’t have a herniated disc. He had a bulging disc which is far less severe. Bulging disc are rarely operated on unless they herniate. Herniated discs must be operated on. You can’t play on a herniated disc.

I have several bulging disc’s and doctors told me there is a 50/50 chance that surgery can make them worse. So for more than 15 years I’ve lived with it. Seen dozens of doctors about it and all of them say don’t operate, medicate, lose weight and strengthen your core. I do treatments to decompress my spine and they do help a lot.

I have herniated two disc’s before. Had an emergency surgery that was successful only to have the cage they put in fail a year later herniating another disc and fracturing two vertebrae. I now have 4 fused vertebrae. One reconstructed using cadaver bone, two cages and 12 screws holding it all together and it’s doing well. So far anyways…… But I still have 4 more bulging disc’s the doctors don’t want to touch.

I believe that if Levi really wants to play he will put the work in and play. If he doesn’t your going to see it all come to an end soon.

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Not defending him because I don’t know really. But didn’t he play through crazy pain last season? To the point where he couldn’t sit down in meetings?

I was reading sometimes a herniated disk appears like a bulging disk on an MRI. Given his alleged pain level maybe it was more serious than we suspect?


Bulging discs flare up but ice, medication and rest often calm them back down. A bulging disc can suck back in and return to normal with proper treatment. Many people have bulging discs and don’t even know it.

Sometimes flare ups can last hours, and days but NFL players can get injections that calm them down very quickly. Anti inflammatory medication helps a lot for bulging disc’s.

Herniated disc’s do not appear like a bulging disc on an MRI. I can show you pictures from mine. It’s very obvious when a disc herniates you can see it clearly. They start leaking spinal fluid and cause much more severe back pain and verve pain.


Dammit, I’m getting a herniated ulcer just following this thread :upside_down_face:


I don’t disagree with you because I’m not a doctor. Just repeating what I read when I googled the two. It is from a law firm site though

“ Can a Doctor Confuse the Two?

…It can happen that a herniated disc may be misdaignosed as a bulging disc. Depending on the shape of the herniation, the two may look very similar in an MRI. Specifically, multi-focal disc protrusions (more than one protrusion on the same side) can look very much like a bulge. In most cases, if there is pain, that will clue the doctor in. Bulging discs only very rarely cause significant pain. In some cases this may not matter; certain treatments, like osteopathy, can be equally good for each problem. However, a misdiagnosis may cause you to go longer than needed before necessary surgery.”

Bulging Disc or Herniated Disc - Were You Misdiagnosed? - Medical Malpractice Law Firm >

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Season 1 Nbc GIF by The Good Place

I’m no doctor but I’ve had dozens of MRI’s on my back over the last 15 years or so. I get at least one a year some times two or 3 or more in a year. I can tell you from my experience that a herniated disc is obvious as hell to see. Even though a bulging disc and herniated disc look similar you can clearly tell when it’s herniated.

Budging disc’s don’t leak fluid and you can see fluid on an MRI … that’s the first dead give away …but in my case the herniated disc’s were so easy to see that even I could tell the difference from a bulging disc.

I will freely admit that some herniated disc ruptures are small and harder to tell but you can still see the fluid on those and that’s a dead giveaway.

As for Levi - Bottom line is the kid is going to show up and play come training camp or he won’t. If he wants to play the game he will show up. He’s had plenty of time to get fully healed up in time for training camp. So…. If he doesn’t show up I think it’s obvious that he doesn’t want too

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Right! But not during his rookie contract he wasn’t

If Levi can pull a Levy and show a little flash and get resigned cheap…then turn it on. That’d be sweet