Lions free agent profile: Emmanuel Moseley should get another shot



Also disagree. Let someone without severe injury history get a shot to blow out their ACL next year. Had this signing worked out and Moseley became our CB1 to push Sutton to CB2, we’d be planning a SB parade in Detroit right now. At that point, pay the man on a 2-3 year deal like Sutton. What could have been…


I agree somewhat.

I would resign Moseley for a one year deal with a team option for a second year and minimal guaranteed money. I would do this because I do believe there’s a fair chance that the Lions will take two rookie CB’s in the upcoming draft, and Moseley has already proven he has a vested interest in being the greatest type of teammate.

Rookies falter, some games are better than others, people get injured, and if you can have Moseley in the fold coming off the bench, that sounds pretty solid to me. It’s a relatively low cost gamble, imo.


If cheap and plan C then I love it. Doesn’t take up a roster spot until he’s ready.


Gonna miss a month or more. Is he better than Vildor? Yes, a lot based on his past. Is he better now? When healthy maybe…

Gotta add a CB1, and let Mosely be that 4th outside CB when he returns. This means they need to look at Vildor/Jacobs/draft pick as the 3rd. Not amazing.

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I agree. If it is low-cost (it should be) and low-risk (i.e. not planning on starting him unless he grows back into it). I don’t see a reason to pass. I like the second year option as proposed to reward the Lions for sticking with him for a couple of years.

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Mose doesn’t even begin to excite me in any way, it’s up to our staff to keep him, yet I wouldn’t lose sleep if he was gone.

Roster spot. I hate that he tied us up and made the position so insecure.




I think there’s a few different options that you can explore. There are some relatively cheap free agent options that can provide quality depth that the Lions lacked last year, but aren’t necessarily marquee names. For instance, Eli Apple, who had one of the best years of his career with Glenn as his secondary coach. Not going to blow you away, but someone who can be serviceable while you take a shot on a rookie or two.

You must not know the player, because he was pretty good before the knee, if he returns to form for what he will cost, then I bet you would be excited. The dude has the ability to be a #1 when right.


Sorry if someone were to ask me what cornerback have you randomly seen on games and highlights over the years get burned on a consistent basis it’s absolutely Eli Apple.

I understand that it seems counterintuitive to the fact that the guy is actually had a fairly Long NFL career so maybe he just is a feast or famine kind of guy but I would take the current Sumo champion at corner before I would touch this guy


That’s my take as well. When he’s on his game, he’s pretty good, when he’s off? Well…that’s why he’s cheap. However, I’d take a guy who is streaky as depth versus a guy who consistently sucks. (Looking at you, Will Harris :laughing:), and Glenn actually did bring out the best in his game, for awhile, but then again he could have been had last year for cheap too and the Lions didn’t pursue him, so :person_shrugging:

@FreebirdPartDeux I’m with you guys. I’m out on Moseley he can go

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There very little downside.

Offer a one year deal for the veteran minimum with incentives. Zero dollars guaranteed.

You could give him 500k of incentives per % of snaps played starting at 50%.

500k bonus at 50%, 1mil at 60%, 1.5mil at 70% and so on.

The deal would cap out at 3mil in incentives and get him reason to be ready for week 1.

He has been a very solid starter when healthy; knows the system, and was viewed as a great mentor to the younger guys. Where the downside, he gets hurt and we are on the hook for a minimum salary?


Yep I’d be good with that. Essentially if he makes it back and plays he makes some money. If he’s clearly a shell of himself in practice just cut bait and move on.

His market is going to be next to nothing. Got 1 year 6 mill last year… lasted 2 plays. No one is guaranteeing him any real money with 2 bad knees


Why not bring him back? It’ll be cheap and if he isn’t healthy or back to form, you can cut him without losing anything. If he is healthy and back to form? You’re getting a Pro Bowl CB for virtually nothing. Low cost, very high reward.

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I do not see how it could hurt the Lions to bring him back at a reasonable deal. I also do not see how his agent could ask for more with his recent injuries.

If nothing else he can be a good mentor for the young CBs on the roster or that might be joining the roster after the draft.

Just to be clear I am the group of giving him another shot.


The guy who blew out his knee on his first play back?

Maybe he needs a chance on the PS

I bring him back low cost deal. He will not count on the roster an he onlt gets the money when he can play. Your telling me no to having a guy ready to start at CB after few games when we know injuries happen. It will be just cheap salary with bonus for playing.

Talk about being afraid an penny pinch an some would say yes to a 36 year old CB who can’t even play ST to old LOL He stuck around an helped thats a team player an I expect him to come back league min salary with good bonus money for playing .Its a cheap very good CB insurance for Secondary room.

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Because like this past year we counted on him being a part of the equation. Therefore, we can only assume by what we didn’t do, that when he got broken again 2 plays in it hurt us because we lacked talent. Now the other wheel got broken. Fool me once. IF he comes back at a ridiculously low money deal with incentives based on how much he plays, then ok. But we should absolutely go after a CB1 this offseason because it’s literally our weakest position and it’s not even close. Then if he comes out and beats out Sutton for CB2, great. Thus far, we’ve vastly overpaid so no more of that based on what he is “when healthy” please.