Mack or Bosa?

I am not worried about the AAV on a 1 year deal. I like the idea of getting Mack because it is only a 1 yr deal. I would draft our own to fill the core positions and fill in the roster with FAs as needed to fill roles. If Mack has another good year we can tag him or let him walk and get the comp pick. Based on his production

You can always sign him if cut or trade low pick and extended him a year with a void year added on there. To bring cap hit down this year.

It’s not so much the cap hit. Regardless of how it hits the cap, he costs 23mil. He just isn’t worth that cash at his age, IMO.

I’d rather sign Fuller and ZaDarious Smith for the AAV if would cost for Mack.

I’m not against Mack either. If he is cut, I could see us offering something in the range of 2 years, 30-36mil.

The disaster or a contract Von Miller signed with Buffalo is not a mistake Holmes will make.

I guess we see things differently. I see a future HOF coming off one of his best season. Both Z. Smith and Fuller are just good players. I think he gets cut but there is always that chance someone sees it my way and has the cash and makes the trade for a future
HOF that has 2 good years left it looks like after last year.

If Holmes made the move I wouldn’t be mad about it, just think there may be better ways to spend our resources. At his age, you never know when that drop off is coming.

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That is why getting him on a 1 year deal makes it worth it. There is no long term commitment… You bring him in, pay him the 23 mil, he gets 14 sacks and we win the super bowl. You then have the option of tagging him to keep another year or let him walk and take the comp pick.

Mack has a $38M cap hit and his contract has already been restructured. I don’t see a way they can keep him AND Bosa who has a $36M cap hit and also has already been restructured.
I am not trading for either of them at $23M for Mack or $22M for Bosa.
If I’m willing to spend that much I go after Danielle Hunter who is younger and more productive than both. Hunter will cost between $20M-$25M and will take him away from a division rival.
I would go after Mack if he is cut on a two year deal for $30M-$35M and guarantee $20M.


I had an idea let’s say it gets down to the wire and LAC calls and offers one of them and 69 in exchange for 92 do you do it

We’ve seen Houston kick ass. I’d rather bet on him than either oft injured, aging “vet”.
Plus, this is year 3 for Paschal. It’s make or break, typically.
I’m thinking we may be good to focus on CB.

@LionFrog my problem here is the downside. If Paschal doesn’t step forward or Houston doesn’t recover from injury we will have no pass rush. That’s no bueno on a playoff run. Can live with worse DBs, but no pass rush and we are dead.


Will they eat either option? I don’t want them at any price at those numbers.

Why would you not want Mack for 23 mil on a 1 year deal? Just say we give them our 5 and they give us their 6th.

Because at his age, the odds are much higher that he will not reproduce the season he just had. If I am spending elite player money in FA, I wouldn’t take the risk on a 33 year old.

Bc that’s a sh!t ton of money. He absolutely owned Jermaine Eluemunor and the Raiders in week 4 but otherwise was a good but not great player. I am interested but not at 23m.

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We lost to Seattle who had 3 back up O Lineman starting and Geno stood in the pocket and shredded our defense because he had no pressure on him. I will pay Mack for 1 year.

Ok. I think we can do better with 9% of our total salary cap.

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One of them is getting released.
I won’t have to give up anything and I can structure the contract to accommodate the Lions cap needs. If I trade for either I have to take a hard $22M cap hit unless I extend the contract.

I think you spelled Mike Williams wrong

Harbaugh has a salary cap nightmare with the Chargers.
Mack’s 2024 Cap Hit: $38.5M
Bosa’s 2024 Cap Hit: $36.6M
Allen’s 2024 Cap Hit: $34.7M
Williams 2024 Cap Hit: $32.4M

They have all been restructured already and are two old to extend (accept maybe Bosa) to get much cap relief.
They all have high base salaries as well so they will also be hard to trade.
At least two of the 4 will likely be released. Maybe more.