NBA & China

The only Fascists in this country are Democrats.
The Fascists were Socialist who hated personal freedoms, like speech, property rights, and gun ownership! Today they would call it politically correct speech, eminent domain, and gun control.
One thing I’ve never been is a Republican, but, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Is eminent domain facism? Asking for a friend.

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The way it’s used these day is.

Doing a little more reading, I think this link nailed it. China made a potential strategic mistake by reacting so heavy handed to the tweet. This one tweet was obscure enough that it would have been lost in all the noise. They went from a country that was complex and hard to understand for the average Joe, to doing something that made it crystal clear how they do things in China.

That one mild tweet turned part of the world’s attention on not just the protests, but on how the Chinese government controls its media, its business partners (including foreign governments) and the life of its citizens — all the way down to watching a simple basketball game.

“It’s exposed China to people all over the world in a very real and easy to understand way,” Nee said.

The article is by Dan Wetzel, to give him proper credit. Apparently I can’t post the link because its one of Yahoo’s “smart links” that doesn’t link to the article…it turns into a video that they control what it says. So sorry Dan, I tried to properly link and credit your work.

Thought you might find this article of interest:

The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution entitles property owners to “just compensation” if their property is taken by the government for public use. The classic examples are the development of the Interstate Highway System and various Toll roads.

Where it tilts into fascism is when the government tries to appropriate property for private developers under the guise of public use. On June 23, 2005, the Supreme Court, the liberal (pro-big government) four, along with swing vote Kennedy, decided 5-4 that’s ok in Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005) .

Given the more recent ruling in Knick v. Township of Scott, No. 17-647 (June 21, 2019), I suspect Kelo would have been decided differently by the current Court.

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How is that fascist? I mean you just gave an example of how socialists are fascists, then turned around and gave an example of the government handing property to private industry as fascist. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Wait for it! Seriously, you have to watch this.
Clue; Dwight Howard.

Just so you know, you’re on ignore because you’ve repeatedly demonstrated you’re not worth having any kind of discussion with. I’ve been a constitutional and civil rights attorney for 30 years, so I know what I’m talking about. So, with this final response, I will say the same thing to you that you said to me in another post: FUCK OFF.


Lol. Unhinged snowflake. You realize you posted a propaganda site a few posts up, then followed up with “I know what I’m talking about”. Ok guy.

The national review?? Ha! You lost the little bit of credibility you had when you posted that fake tabloid rag shit.

This dude is a child.

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Journalist gets quickly shut down when she asked James Harden, Russell Westbrook if they would refrain from speaking out on politics/social justice after China debacle...

— gifdsports (@gifdsports) October 10, 2019

Sorry if I’m too much for him and his legal education LOL.

He posted a bunch of offensive nonsense about baby killers, then can’t handle the first sign of adversity. And he is a civil rights attorney, Too rich.

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The fake person who writes for the tabloid national review? Yeah, I agree. The people who follow that crap are also pretty sad. Do you realize what the national review even is? Research it, then post.

That’s the thing. Anyone can be anyone on here. Look at me, I’m an astronaut!! See.

Anyone with a speck of integrity that wants a bit of respect, wouldn’t post shit that makes the national enquirer look like a top notch news source.

You are one of those political neophytes that thinks being a conservative is a sin.


That’s funny. She should have stood up and shouted out the question and held onto the mic like Acosta.

Not sure why you are going so far off topic. You posted from a fake rag source and I called you out on it.

Also, FYI, I am very conservative. Old school conservative. Not this new shit where people drool over a retard who pisses on the constitution and blows up the deficit, while accomplishing nothing he ran on. There’s actually nothing conservative about the Republican party of today and there’s nothing credible from that crap source you posted.

Like I said. A neophyte.

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Aww. Poor dude had no response, so he ran to the dictionary and pulled out a big word.

Look, people read the globe, the onion, etc. It’s entertainment. Just don’t post that crap as if it’s legit news and you won’t be laughed off the board. That was a very weak post by you. It happens. Learn and adjust. The National Review. Hahaha. You crazy man.