No longer have high hopes for Jamo

Well, as they say the proof is in the pudding

The pudding is games 7-17 and playoffs this year


Well…if it’s bread pudding, I’m all in! (love that shit).

I like an athletic UDFA Challenging JaMoss and baiting him into a fight. GROWTH! Healthy part of the growing process…learning to deal with the emotions of it all…IN PRACTICE…so when game comes, you show up like Ra or Sewell. In listening to Jamo talk about it, I think he has a very healthy attitude toward the “fight” too.

Would it be better if he went fetal & avoided the physical challenge?

He will learn to walk away & wink at 'em telling them, "I’ll be back in 90 seconds. You’re gonna get sick of me…& if it gets too out of hand, you go all Penei on Donald …IF it’s called for.

ppl love it when Sewell does it, but judge jamoss? doesn’t feel right to me.

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I get that there are some over reactions and that the media loves to jump on this stuff. Having said that… (cue Larry David gif) This isn’t one isolated incident. There are some real bits of information that are concerning when it comes to his play, development and maturity. His rehab took longer than expected, then he struggled to earn playing time with coaching quotes like “needs a better sense of urgency” When he did play, he managed to throw a tantrum on the sideline. Then some dumb tweets, then a suspension related to gambling, then some more dumb social media posts. Then some reports of struggles in otas. Then him showing frustration and small fight at the start of camp. Could it still all end up being fine? Sure. But we should worry. Because jamo isn’t the guy that you don’t have to worry about. Look at ASB. From like the first day at camp after being drafted… coaches saw it, everyone saw it. Chip on his shoulder, hard worker, mature like a pro. Just to kind of set the bar. Jamo is not anywhere near that right now. Even if you just listen to the way coaches talk about him…


I haven’t taken a long enough break from this place.


There’s only one thing concerning here:
There’s only one point that actually sends shivers down my spine:
There’s only one thing that I’ve seen, and now read that makes me question Jamo:
It’s only one word, and it scares the hell out of me…
Anything but drops. Knee injuries, gambling, fighting with teammates, blocking assignments… don’t care.


It’s just amazing that a dude who was pretty much on a redshirt season from the day he was picked gets so much shit for not performing in year 1. It’s legit comical to be honest. We were not in a the playoff hunt even if some of y’all want to believe we were. He played very few snaps to get his feet wet, it wasn’t because he was incapable. They played it Uber safe, as they should. If you had expectations in year 1, that’s your fault…plain and simple. Now you’re trying to project your concerns on the rest of us who knew what last season was.

There literally should be no concerns. If he struggles while healthy in 2023, then there should he concerns. Y’all are about 365 days early on this take. And that’s assuming he’s about to disappoint.

Find something else because this is not it.


I’m thinking he’s just got some dog in him and hasn’t quite channeled it as effectively as ARSB yet.


Let’s rewind to 2021:

Breathe. In. Out.

It’s gonna be okay.

It wasn’t too long ago that Jamarr Chase’s drops in the preseason were the talk of the NFL.


He hasn’t even had the chance to

for me the upside is Starling a UDFA looks like he’s making the team talking smack and frustrating our number 12 draft pick to take a swing at him

It’s not a great look for Jamo but camp scrums aren’t unusual. Makes me wonder what kind of shit Starling said to him.

He told him the starting corners have $1000 at -130 that I shut you down today.


Boom suspended again…

A punch is nothing. Future Hall of Famer Aaron Donald likes to grab a couple helmets and use them as weapons to swing at his teammates heads, now that is how you build team chemistry.


Whether he makes it through camp is irreverent. You still have six more weeks to slot him. Camp Holmes will make decisions at that time, suspecting.

Someone please turn down the heat to simmer…

If you are not the least bit concerned by what we all have seen, then you are a saint. I commend you.
I feel it’s completely understandable to be a little worried about this subject. I’m not going to hot take that I know what’s going to happen in a couple years. Just using the evidence that we as a public are privy to. It all might be a big nothing burger.
But being concerned is justified.


What’s the concern…genuine question. His suspension is completely bogus as several players have come out and said they really don’t understand or are confused on what’s ok and what’s not ok.

So other than the suspension, what concerns you?

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Correct. If he channels it into playing with a chip on his shoulder great. If he channels it into living life with a chip on his shoulder, not so much.

Listen, I’m not the biggest fan of some of the off the field stuff, but I don’t think it’s anything that can’t be attributed to being young and/or being immature. I remember what I was like when I was that age and I did some stuff that, thinking back on it, was probably pretty stupid in hindsight.

We need to stop putting these kids on pedestals and pretending that we should expect them to act with the maturity that most of us do in our daily lives. Is he a professional football player? Sure, but he’s also just a kid. He’s got plenty of room for personal growth and I haven’t seen anything that makes me question his personal or professional integrity. Just some mistakes that people make when they’re young and don’t fully consider the impact of the choices they make.

Jamo will be fine. (Hopefully)

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Yup - different type of dawg, but dog, nonetheless

He’s going to be fine. He needs some emotional mentorship, and he has it.

If we are to be honest, and put ourselves in Dan Campbell’s shoes, is that guy worried about players in a fight in practice?
How is Dan talking about it with Brad after the players go home?
I’m imagining “Good…that’s great…we have a UDFA smacking Jamo in practice. That young fella had his attention and got under his skin…he’s teaching him that he needs to work harder and you can’t take anything for granted.”…something like that.

Our coaches have faith.


Concerned is VERY different than worried.
Worried is stirring anxiety into your concern.
Concern is just checking into it with intentions of improving as much as you can, while considering all angles.

I’m concerned about every position on teh field…but worried about zero.

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