O.j Simpson

One of the all-time greatest falls from grace. I hope the families of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman feel a sense of peace today.

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We must have posted within seconds of each other. Mods, feel free to merge my topic here if you feel the OTT is more appropriate.

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Just saw that

This is one of those deaths where I’m more surprised that he was still alive than that he’s actually dead. The other day I couldn’t remember if Eddie Money had died or not. OJ’s one of those people where I would have had to look it up. Gone but already forgotten.


I got to spend a couple days with him when he was working for ABC Wide World of Sports, he was genuinely a nice guy then. I was just a kid running out results of events at the Drake Relays and during commercials he would talk to me and signed autographs for young people in the crowd. He signed my field pass, today it is somewhere with my old baseball cards. Mom wasn’t kidding about getting my stuff out of the house, sigh.


Hey all I moved this to OTT since it has nothing to do with the Lions.

We ask that you keep this civil and on topic. We would hate to have to give anyone a time out just before the draft.

Thank you all for understanding.


Going to check his rookie card values (there’s one sitting in the local card shop for $150) to see if they are headed upward or downward…


Do like OJ and steal it.


From a Hertz to a Hearse. The cycle is complete.

You can’t present DNA evidence to 12 people that have no background of what DNA evidence is or its significance. The failure of the American justice system.

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What would Norm Macdonald say today? RIP Norm.


Burt Reynolds Bump GIF


There have been a few notable cases where the prosecution fully failed to educate the jury on what they can or should be doing, what they can or should consider. That basket-case in Florida that killed her own child is another example of prosecutorial negligence in assuming the jury is smart enough to make decisions without guidance. An expectation to perform without an expectation to instruct is the failure of the prosecution, IMO. In OJ’s case, though, the glove business did them in.

By contrast, the Oakland County prosecutor that went after the Crumbley’s was on it. Kym Worthy going after Kilpatrick is another. Much respect for both of them.

I think DNA was too new in the public’s conscious for a 1995 trial. Cochran knew that, and it gave him something to attack and kept the spotlight off the other evidence that was easily enough for a conviction.

RIP Norm. I’m sure he has a big smile on his face as he sees no Orenthal on the Pearly Gates admittance list.
Season 3 No GIF by The Simpsons

LA Jury Pool’s…fixed it

At least OJ can finally rest, his wife’s killer is dead.

*stolen from another board


I’m literally shaking…
Over It Whatever GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
People get old and die, even bad people.

You can’t blame people for being dumb. That’s what I discovered when I did jury duty. You can only blame the people who created the system that allowed dumb people to make important decisions they’re not qualified to make.