Official Aliens Are Finally Here Thread

I absolutely believe there is life elsewhere in the universe. Intelligent life. heck I’d bet dollars to donuts we’re going to find other life elsewhere in our own solar system, granted of a very basic nature but europa is a good candidate for current life and mars could have some fossils of basic life buried that we may never find.

but other intelligent life coming here? why? We can’t stop killing ourselves over invisible sky wizards or the color of our own skin.

unless the ufos are cameras and we’re being beamed out as trashy reality shows.


Maybe they are already walking among us! How would we know. Shit ton of bald men walking around these days right, ha ha

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Yup. Some opinions are conjecture, while other opinions are facts. If only ppl could see themselves

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Make it a Wendy’s and Joe Cullen and I are in!!


Man, we need some better penny-pinchers in charge. An air-to-air missle costs like $500,000. Seems like overkill to pop a damned balloon.

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Raytheon is probably sending the damn things up. Every time we let off a sidewinder their CEO’s mansion budget goes up by a room.

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History repeats itself.


It’s an interesting topic. I truly believe we are not alone in this world. Just too many reports from pilots, etc. This universe is huge, only our human egos can believe we are the only intelligent life out there.
I’ve attended many seminars on ufo’s where classified, redacted documents by our government were displayed and discussed, and it is pretty easy to infer what the redacted words were. It’s interesting stuff.

Never heard this story before.

Our boy is bat shit crazy. Isn’t it time for him to crawl into his dark cage for four days? Just him and his wiener.

I mean I personally hate Rodgers, but he makes some good points. Politics are all BS, the dude is unlikeable, but he’s got some good points that I respect.


I’m not real big on conspiracies. Almost all become big nothing burgers.

Yeah, that train is not the event, its the one not being reported upon that was released by easily the greatest investigative journalist of our time who sees more than anyone… with impeccable credentials whoallofasudden can’t get a story picked up by Anyone Anywhere.


Seymour Hersh

Geraldo Rivera?
Jerry springer?

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Someone got my clue!

Steve Bannon Bingo GIF


Television Reality Tv GIF by The Jerry Springer Show

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Who are you arguing against? I mean, I think it’s a very, very small minority who would say unequivocally we are the ‘only’ intelligent life in the universe. Let them have their opinion, without shit-storming an ego bomb.

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I can make the Drake Equation say that we aren’t actually here. Its an exercise in garbage in-garbage out, in that it is wild speculation on ratios that if jiggered just a little on each value, makes us orphans of the Universe.

The chance of us being the only intelligent race that is at least a Level .8 civilization like we are just about to in maybe 50 years (Kardashev Scale);

That we can can communicate with presently/50 years? Massively probable.

That we can detect? Also massively probable.

That exist in the local area? Also probable

That exist in the Sagittarius spiral arm? Still high.

That exist in this galaxy? High

Galaxy cluster? Pretty high

The observable universe? 50/50?

All this with the normal caveats about relativity and that the light we see from other galaxies left before our galaxy was formed and its been a long time back on the ranch there, blah blah.

NOTE- I dont always ascribe to this side of the argument, but I find it perfectly reasonable.

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Don’t let @Weaselpuppy fool you. He’s from another planet and part of the den just to study human behavior.

Aliens need to know how anyone can suffer as long as we have and still be fans. It has them completely boggled.

It’s one of the biggest questions in the entire galaxy.