Okay, let's have a QB debate; Goff vs Allen 😆

More gaslighting. :wink:
See the “paraphrasing” you see …through your lens. Zero of that is quote (or flirts with fact). You are crying about what you are accusing others of crying about.

One person is talking psychology & the other is talking football. Because it’s not quoting football facts, it’s “uncritical thinking”…Why? Cuz you said so.
Lots of ego involved in that line of thinking…Or an innocent victim that is being picked on by the handsome guy?

Let’s ask ourself…is this a pattern for me? for the bald guy? Does he show up that way everywhere, or is it just me who experiences him this way? Am I running into these “issues” with lots of ppl, or just one?

Pro tip → if you have an “issue” with lots of ppl, it may be time to look in the mirror. Even if it’s just one, look in the mirror any way (I am as we speak)

Yes that’s what you said. Let me break it down for you

You and your QB said that thread was gaslighting blah blah

I said it was Humor

You responded the energy of the humor was like the humor that deprecates race and gender etc…which is absurd.

You are the clown king of saying shit then when being called on it or asked to clarify you accuse of gaslighting

I don’t have an issue with lots of people. Just you and QBhater.

Also I’ve had more than one person PM me saying the same stuff about you I’m telling you now. You have a mirror too?

For your dining and dancing pleasure.

… also…it can be usex to bring ppl together
-Lions fans are handsome AF
-Lions fans are more handsome than Packer fans, etc
-Jokes about GOAT at every position on our team

Unification, bruh! Not division/ decisive See the difference?

Or → recognizing patterns in myself & others & taking a look at them from a non-triggered place?
Which seems more realistic? Consider the source & take it for what it’s worth.
Happy ppl are generally gonna be up to happy things.
Angry ppl are angry
dramatic people do dramatic things
SaD people Do sad things, etc.


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Clown people do clown things

You realize this whole exchange started because you accused me of having a double standard and when asked for actual statements and you realized you were wrong it devolved into the normal Natty regressive psychobabble word soup

Alright, all you guys are doing now is pumping up your scoreboard numbers, and that isn’t fair to any of us.

Damn it! Your right. Guys stop debating philosophy word soup vs psychology. :crazy_face:

I’ve seen with my eyes evidence to the contrary, both on the board, & in my inbox when ppl xon’t want to deal with you so they keep it to themselves.


We attract what we be. We attract our tribe, as well as the lessons we are supposed to see. all just feedback from the universe, man.

The difference between a judgment & an observation is the energy behind the words. Am I at peace when I’m talking? yup. Am I looking at myself & my own energy when I’m talking? Yup. Am I human & “unconscious” in moments? Yup
Is “unconscious” my general way of showing up? Nope.

Everything & Everyone is a mirror for every single person. The biggest mirror we have is our energy. How are you feeling? That gives you great insight as to wether you are in alignment or not.

Inverse is true & I am aware when I talk about this sort of stuff it will be highly triggering to a percentage of ppl that see it. If I’m not talking in one of my men’s groups where I am specifically chosen to mentor them, there will ALWAYS be some that criticize, disagree, & even lash out at times. It’s not a new concept for me…if you do what I do for a living, there is a 100% chance of being highly criticized by a percentage of society. It’s teh exact opposite of hiding & staying close off.

Yes!!! Having fun is SO important.

Putting thoughts in my head. Nowhere near my thought progression, man.

Ahhhh…we should stay collegial & not try to tear e/o down…I see.

Sending love, my bro.
You are not even close to reachable.

Nobody is putting thoughts in that dome except for you. You know how you could have easily reached me? Just answered when I said show what statements I made that showed a double standard. Imagine that

Would have been waaaay easier than going all Wonky Dr Phil

Lazy languaging by me → Assuming you know my thoughts.
I was equating it to “putting words in my mouth”…& you know it…but trivial arguing that means nothing, in an attempt to “call someone out”

Have been there/ Done that. Leads to the same path every time (about 10 times, if I were to guess).
Not to say that can’t change, because I know it can. Just the past pattern, it always looks the same.

Literally just got a voice message from a client telling me “I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have found your work”

Like I say, some peopel pay me for my teaching…others…well…they are others

Never have you been there and done that that I
have seen. You always derail things from a content driven exchange into a rant about energy or some other stuff not relevant to the actual arguments

Uh huh

If you REALLY want to “go there” I swear to you → I will get you on the phone with some of my clients. I would gladly make that happen, if you have any interest.
I Don’t owe you that, but I really feel it might shift a lot for you. Let me know if you are interested.
& yes → I am dead ■■■■■■■ serious.
bypass & bullshit to protect your ego? Or get on the phone?

There he is → deflecting, disregarding, & dismissing.

You can’t see that?
If you get on the phone, you won’t be able to Do that anymore…best to stay safe

you want me to talk on the phone to your clients to prove what a great and life changing therapist you are? That’s a little unhinged and it’s unlikely to change my opinion that you don’t ever engage in good faith debate here

How about this - I’ll talk to your ‘clients’ if you go back,
rewind this conversation and find statements from me that show the double standard you accused me of.

After that I’ll gladly chat with them

No - you’re missing the point.
I would love to shift your reality to a more love oriented space & illigitimize the dismissive avoidant behavior you direct toward me out of the picture, so we can communicate on a real level. All you are xoing is avoiding & hiding.

You know beter than some of the things you are saying.

dismissive story, my man…
When ppl judge, it’s an energetic way of being.
When ppl judge, that is their own self talk.
When you judge others harshly, you have to avoid looking at yourself, otherwise you woulx have to beat yourself up the same way if you were to take an honest look at yourself.
I know for a fact you beat yourself up 10 times more than you would ever beat anyone else up (verbally)…if there was an actual human sitting on your couch that spoke to you teh way you talk to yourself, you woulx have the cops remove them from your house.

Tis takes a lot of energy for me to xo, but I’m gonna take you up on it.
We’re gonna Do this, & you & I will be MUCH closer, by the time this is all done.

I’m proud of you for taking this approach man!
I’ll be getting into this soon (maybe tonight)
Gotta run for now.

I see the laughter…& yup …it’s much harder for dismissive avoidants to “see themselves” than it is for “anxious preoccupied”
Gotta be willing to take a look at yourself in order to go through with it.

If you xon’t plan to get on the phone or zoom, I’m not going to spend the energy on this…so if this is a manipulation tactic → please just own it.

Like I said. When you go back to the original argument see what you posted and either find statements from me on having a double standard or admitting you were wrong then we can talk about talking to your ‘clients’