Our approach felt little disrespectful to players like

Lasagna is mortally offended to be left off this roster.


Only 5 months until Training Camp!
As starches go, I prefer beans. Bean and sausage soup is a pot of love.

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I will only say that when I met my bride my mother made lasagna for her thinking she would love it…you know being Italian. What we did not know was that we knew no Italians. I say this because I have come to know that which is Italian and lets just say my wife left and said “I appreciate what your mother did there but at best I would call that a noodle bake or noodle soup, I will make you some lasagna next weekend”.

And lets just say that was the beginning of my weight gain. I would now 100% agree with my wife saying what my mother made was at best noodle bake. But anyway that was a long time ago. It has been my experience (and this could just be the breed of Italian I got) that Italians think they are the best at many things. One of them being all things Italian. Also wine making, sausage making, and any all food period. Again I am clearly the benefactor of this maniacal belief and work ethic to be the best.


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My thread always end up as food recipe :rofl:

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Maybe it’s because I have been gone, but these threads make even less sense now.


Can you tell me when it made sense then ? I want to backtrack to that😁,That’s encouraging. Good to see you back and happy New year

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The penisini with marinara , arugula and thyme and fresh parm and a side of garlic toast


Commenting, to stay updated on all things food

I 100% believe that about your joint pain

Y’all are really making me hungry. I eat pasta post workout so I would appreciate it if Y’all would send me your samples. Thanks.

Love this and we are the same kind of crazy… People aren’t aware of how terrible the food in America actually is. I’m working on a local source for beef, I have one for pork… I’m also planning on expanding my at home garden a lot this spring. The carcinogens that are put in all of our food is absurd and no one seems to care… My real “crazy” side would come out if I start talking about the motives for poisoning the population with this crap.


Hopefully marinara talk will not lead to marijuana talk :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Your posts make more sense now :joy:

Bill Hader Dancing GIF


If you think the food is terrible in America you’re clearly not going to the right restaurants. Or are one of the unfortunate few that live in the middle of nowhere.

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Does your wife have a good technique or recipe for pasta all’assassina? I’ve always wanted to try to make it but don’t know anyone that’s been trained on the recipe. From what I’ve read it’s very specific if you want to do the dish correctly.

I am waiting for Dan Campbells soup recipe , I might get emotional after 1 cup

Speak for yourself, I’m emotional after one spoonful

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Terrible in the sense that it’s full of poison


Processed foods and fast food for sure.

Take the McRib for example. It was 70 ingredients. No joke. 70. Most of which the average person has never heard of or can pronounce. It’s crazy.

Sadly most grocery stores are 90 percent garbage. It aint easy to eat healthy unless you’re real careful.