Penei Sewell….who does he remind you of?

Was he in shape? I remember being amazed a dude that fat could dunk a basketball but I seem to recall him being a giant dough boy

Dude was an easy 4 bills… might have been closer to 450 at times. Was also about 6 foot 7. Enormous

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Ovals are shapes

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A giant coworker (6’5” and probably 350) of mine, from Baltimore, is a huge Ravens fan (literally). A couple of weeks ago he ran into Jonathon Ogden and got this picture with him.

It’s a lot of beefs.


Confused Wait What GIF

Ogden might be in a league of his own. Dude was so freaken good. He made the all pro team like 10 years in a row. Absolute mauler.

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Different body types, but similar skill sets.

Trent Williams was his player comp in the draft…

…I think that’s a damn good comparison

No lateral movement skills. Gibson was a statue.

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I think Walter Jones is the most slept on all time great offensive lineman of my lifetime. I think at the peak of his powers he was neck and neck with all of those other guys.


Walter was a beast too. Tony Boselli is another tackle that was pretty amazing. Too bad his career was cut short. When you make the hall of fame after playing only 7 seasons… you know you were decent.

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Interesting thread. I was a semi-Colts fan for a few years, come on can you really blame me? So I watched a lot of Dwight Freeney. I don’t think anyone shutdown Freeney 1 on 1 quite as well as Pace did. It was impressive. And Ogden was at the opposite end from that. Freeney ate him alive because he was too slow, but Baltimore was stubborn and kept trying it. It was kind of funny. Usually by halftime he would have help.

Anyway, I like the analysis @CuriousHusker put in here. Our guy Sewell is a hell of a run blocker. We have some lucky RBs.

He was…but most people didn’t see a lot of Walter Jones because off where he played. Seattle didn’t get a whole lot of national exposure until around 2003 so Jones may have been a victim of the West Coast bias…AGAINST!

And I think that’s probably it. I saw A Lot of him bc of where he played. Never saw him in person unfortunately. Still hated those Seachicken teams though. I’m very consistent on that front.

Them Shaun Alexander Seahawks teams were nice

Walter Jones & Steve Hutchinson

Run left


They also had cough cough Hutchinson on that oline. Who the Lions missed out on by 1 pick.

And now I see you added Hutch… smart fella that @Jman


@BigNatty . Hes not bald enough.

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Lions couldn’t draft him. His mom didn’t make the cut.

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Never forget

Seahawks pick 19 Shaun Alexander
lions pick 20 stocktar McDouble

Seahawks draft pick 17 Steve Hutchinson
Lions pick 18 jeff on his backus

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And just for good measure

We took Bryant Westbrook 1 pick before Seattle took Walter Jones in 1997