Possibly a new onside rule kick change?

Like it or no?

Hate it


Should make it a pole. Poles are fun!


That is the dumbest shit I’ve heard.


Maybe they can play rock paper scissors… Best 2 out of 3.


Hide and seek is better. I think bring two goal posts in air in real time ,both kickers take penalty shots. Winner based on the best kicker


Well it is obvious both the League and players want to make the game safer and kickoffs were an injury multiplier.

So I am a big fan of eliminating that if the people who actually run the game and play the game say it has to go.

The only thing that has changed is no more surprise on side kicks.

But would love to see the offensive recovery stats on clear 4th quarter gotta have on side kicks before this past years rule change. I am betting it was the same as this past years stats.

Listen you fall behind and need the onside kick it is your problem. I say keep it the same as it is today.

Or, get this, they could just go back to the old kickoff rules?


Also hate it.

Hulk Hogan Agree GIF


Literally dumb. How many PI penalties will teams get to convert this. Heck, the Lions give up 3rd and 20 all the time. One simple defensive holding call and boom, you’re in business.


Exactly… I can guarantee the conversion rate of 4th and 20 would be astronomically higher than recovering an onside kick just from penalties alone.


terrible idea. teams will plan to just throw short on a deep ball and try to draw a flag

It will basically become another way for refs to give games to KC and GB


For the kickoff, I think they should kick it from 15 yards further back and tell the return guy to run with it or lose $25 grand.

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Have a Power Slap competition between the DT of the receiving team and K of the kicking team.

If the K can beat the DT, kicking team recovers onside.


Pass Interference would become the order of the day.

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i don’t hate it, the old onsides is out of date

but, why not just make the kickoff a 4th and 20 punt?

If this happens I bet we draft a big outside WR in the offseason and go for “onside kicks” atleast twice a game

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Just let them do the ORIGINAL onside kick…


Actually this is interesting. It would make after TDs worth watching for sure to see if the punt could be blocked. They would never do it but this would add a lot of strategy to the game. Interesting suggestion.