Prayers for Texas

Guns do not kill people by themselves, they are a tool, like a screwdriver, drill, hammer, level, carpenter knife, saws , they lie completely still…that is until a person lifts them up and uses them. A gun is just another tool, many tools can be used to injure or kill someone… IF an idiot, picks up a gun and uses it incorrectly…bust his ass for it, don’t blame the gun. if murderous assholes handle A gun and decide "today I’m going to shoot a bunch of people with a gun, nail his ass to the full extent of The Law…don’t ban the gun… The sad reality is that anyone can get to these tools no matter their mental state, what they are on, if they have been violent before Or not, weather they are hard drug users, have certain mental issues, disabilities, have killed, have a rap sheet, they can just waltz out and get a gun --but when they snap and go blow the hell out of something, it’s always “ban the gun.” It’s not "why in thee hell did this person have any ability to posess a firearm !!! ?? IF huge restrictions were in place to be able to own a gun and IT WAS ENFORCED always, and they go to prison for just having a gun -if they couldn’t pass the test or laws set in place, there would be less gun violence here, BUT when you make it as easy as going to a hardware store , a Wal-Mart, some Mom& Pop gun shop, A sporting outdoors shop, and they flow like a damn river to any ol Joes, there’s massive problem with that. One should have to go through a court of law, and damn strict testing , and lie-detector testing , background checks, to pass to have/own a gun or guns…and guns SHOULD have fingerprint ID or DNA access so nobody cannot- get somebody elses’ gun and comit crimes OR even fire the weapon/tool. unless their DNA , Their fingerprints allow the tool to be fired/used at all. no more of seas of guns floating all over or easy tests to have one !


Your right, so have drugs, alcohol, automobiles, gang violence, and suicide.

Great to see someone bring up mental health, that is huge. It’s also a very difficult and private in many situations, battle so many have to deal with


And instead of any meaningful action an asshole was allowed to use his platform to claim that Sandy Hook was a hoax. Now, he has hid his assets and is claiming bankruptcy almost 10 years after the fact to keep from losing everything he owns. Not only do we not do anything to protect our children in life, we allow assholes to use their deaths as a way to line their pockets. This IS who we are and where we are,


I understand and appreciate that.

So you need a gun for:

  1. personal protection
  2. hunting

And for either of those why do you need a semi automatic?


One article about gun related deaths:

Yep…… cars don’t kill people, drunk and addicts do…. So why a duplicitous perspective?

Peoples hearts and souls are simply problem and if everyone admits it…. We could finally start moving in the right way imho


I dont disagree, it really bad, especially in inner cities where it feels like no one wants to end it. JMO, but that should have been dealt with decades ago, and is a much easier fix if those in charge went after it

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STOP with the mental health stuff.’s an excuse, and a poor one.

We are not anywhere near a major outlier with mental illness. America’s issues with mental illness are comparable to most other first-world countries.

This type of violence isn’t happening in those countries.


Mental health is absolutely apart of it and I hate how this country has not taken care of mental health. It has been the most overlooked and underfunded “medical” condition for years and only gotten worse.

That being said, it still does not change the access civilians have to military level weapons.

Nobody in civilized USA needs a semiautomatic. Unless you suck that hard at hunting.


Sane people dont do this type of stuff. Ive yet to meet a sane person that wants to kill as many innocent children as possible.


I deal with it in my job all the time. Many are out on the street with no real help. It’s frustrating


I’m a teacher who runs a mental health group at my school. I’ve been to enough PD based on mental health to last a lifetime. I’ve seen the statistics. I’ve heard the experts. I’ve read the research.

Mental health is AN issue in America, but hardly more than any other country. Mental illness is not why America is the only country having these same issues.


And we can also play the “what next”? Game

Ban guns and we can do what Ukraine is doing to defend itself…

Fix the soul; fix the heart and you fix this darkness

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Mentally ill people in other countries don’t do this type of thing at anywhere NEAR the rate it happens in America.


This thread will self destruct in 3…2…

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Many other countries are not as lost as our souls are imho

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That’s absurd. We are all human beings. We experience much of the same.

There are differences in our culture that are causing these events to happen here and almost nowhere else.


…which for some reason makes me even more pissed than if had been a high school. Protective of the helpless, sort of thing, probably.

Remember to stay vigilant, and also know there is far more good in humans than bad.

YES - ■■■■ the media making thier money off of stuff like this and perpetuating the problem. It WOULD cut down on stuff like this, massively…probably more than anything else would.


Yeah for sure, and I get it. I have worked with inner city populations and people who need these weapons, as well as have serious mental health issues, neither of which are really addressed proactively, only reactively.

It’s a complicated thing and I definitely understand, it’s not as easy as “just ban guns”. However, there needs to be some serious implementation of some sort of control, along with a serious effort to treat mental health problems. I definitely hear you

