Ranking Matt Patricia in the pantheon of terrible coaching hires

The worst. Boom, list complete.


What is up with all these Fatty McPencilhead threads :joy:


We’re in the wooooooooooorst part of the sports year lol

There is ■■■■ all going on right now. What are we supposed to do? Go outside? Spend time with loved ones??? Not when there’s patty whacking to do!

Rolling National Football League GIF by Detroit Lions


Pretty hard to argue otherwise.

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Exactly. He took over a (barely) winning team and completely removed all of the talent. Then Bob Quinn drafted good OL and garbage everywhere else. Matt left this team with the worst talent pool in the league by orders of magnitude.

I mean for real… Brad came here to a bare cubbord, inherited a team in cap hell, was forced to trade his best player, and managed to paint the Sistine Chapel with the limited resources he had to work with.


Because he and Millen should be forced to live as dogs in a shady kennel run by Michael Vick.

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Watch the NHL playoffs!! Go Oilers

Happy Lets Go GIF by NHL

I forgot those were still going on! I’d tuned out once I saw FLA was up 3-0, looks like I missed some stuff!

Done and done.

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Speaking of Patricia how many times do you think he accidentally stabbed himself with his pencil. I’d imagine 50 is probably pretty close. :joy: he probably wears that thing around the house. His wife probably wants to smack him upside the head at dinner.

“Ummm Matt we’re eating dinner, can you remove the pencil please”

lay off me i'm starving chris farley GIF

I thought oiler girl was the only olier fan? :innocent::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Oh Yeah Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

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I have a hard time believing anything distracted Patty from dinner.

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This seems like bait that, when taken, ends up with a shameful Google search history.


Cap hell??

He definitely competes with Daryl Rogers.
It’s hard to imagine worse, either way.

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I liked Rod Marinelli the human being much better than fat patty, but he never went 0-16. Marinelli did so that has to be the answer right?

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To be fair to Rod Marinelli he only went 0-16 because 0-17 wasn’t possible back then.


That team was tanking on purpose. It was embarrassing but that message came from management.