Ranking Matt Patricia in the pantheon of terrible coaching hires

Very embarrassed to say this is my very all-time worst call as I was elated and sure the lions had turned the corner with Fatbeard and Opie.

It’s savory crow though these days with how extraordinary Holmes and DC have been.

Morning wheg? (sic)
This guy - clueless beyond all human understanding,

I get real tired of guys with last names I have look up how they’re spelled every damn time.


The season before we were 6 and 2 under Rod and Mike Martz. How quickly the wheels fell off. Martz was the scapegoat for the terrible finish in 2007 but holy shit was the offense terrible without him.

Trading away Shaun Rogers for a ham samdwich didn’t help either. Lol

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What is happening with this mustache/half-goatee thing?

It looks like an 80’s video game alien spacecraft around his mouth.

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I think he was considering a move to the adult entertainment industry with that dirty mustache.

It would be called Garth Brooks Does Dallas…:joy:

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Marty tried to be something that he wasn’t. I remember a story from his first training camp where he orchestrated a scene where he slammed down his sunglasses, yelled at the team and then rode off on his Harley. Of course it was at a practice with thousands of fans in attendance.

Dan orchestrated a practice where the team was running the practice. Just to reiterate to them that it was THEIR team.


Can’t believe that. Running the Tampa 2 scheme at CB completely wrong is the main why that I remember. Have to bump and jam them off the LOS when you telegraph that you are only going to rush the same four guys. Ours were giving 10 yard cushions on both sides at the snap more times than I could count, conceding both the #1 and #2WR a first down every snap. It was insane, but the results were painfully predictable.

Rod went 0-16. And I’ll still take him over MP. This is a sad question.


This. And the ham sandwich was Leigh Bodden.

A dominate DT is always so important. It kills me how I cry for this every season. Snacks had MP’s defense top 10 at one point. Now they have Reader, and Alim not to mention Bro-Mart’s crazy size…

Say What Kamala Harris GIF by Saturday Night Live


Read this.

And this.

“Kippy” is full of “crappy.” The 2008 Lions had a historically bad defense. Remember how good Stafford was but still couldn’t overcome a bad defense? There is literally no QB in the history of the league that could overcome the 2008 Lions. They were so bad that opposing teams purposely left points and yards on the field well before the end of the game. Having an offense that could score a few more points would have just led the other team to drop several more TDs on us.

Its important that every roster move make sense with other roster moves. The 2008 Lions are a good example of what it looks like when the various dots do not connect. Rod wanted to rebuild the roster with “try hard” guys that did things the right way. Its not far off from what Dan wants. But with Rod helping Matt make bad decisions, we ended up with roster moves that added up to a losing formula. We had an undersized defensive line playing in front of an undersized linebacker group all playing in front of a secondary that had issues in coverage and run fits. Opposing teams rushed for nearly 3,000 yards and could have had more if they wanted. And that is what is unique about that team. The stats do not do justice to how bad that defense was because opposing teams were shutting it down by halftime.

I don’t buy any of this. If they wanted to bench Kitna then just bench him. It’s not like Kitna was a good QB. Martz made him look good anytime he did look good which wasn’t often. Kitna would have done nothing for that terrible team, and terrible coaching.

I remember when Martz got fired he said “they’re light years away” or something to that effect.

They had 3 games they lost by less than a score. To Minnesota by just 2pts after Dano walked out the back of the endzone. I highly doubt we lose that game with Kitna playing.

Sure that defense sucked, couldn’t tackle, barely even tried to tackle. Especially as the season progressed but once Kitna was benched and IRed the message was sent the team was tanking.

Go back and watch the tackling early in the season as opposed to later in the season. That team gave up after Kitna was IRed.

Kitna was speaking out in meetings and the press. He wasn’t hurt. He was playing golf after being IRed. Kitna, players and coaches have all come forward and stated he could have played and they would have won some games if he had.

A starting-caliber pass-rusher at RDE
A true 3-tech UnderTackle
A MIKE LB capable of covering the deep middle
A SAM LB capable of both rushing and covering

I can believe they wanted to move on at QB. Don’t know if deliberately tanking is what I’d assert. Players played those games and they don’t want to put out intentionally bad tape, so even if the team set them up for failure, you’d assume we’d eek out a fluke win or two. It was mostly just terrible schematic coaching and fielding players that were “this” close to being good.

“Kitna?! Man… I can drink a quart of vodka and still take care of Kitna!”

-loosly quoted Deacon Jones

Yep and the CB’s too. We never had our McCoy/Brooks. It was poor talent, but you can’t give 10 yard cushions and telegraph that your only rushing 4 no mater what you have to line up with.

With some help from the officials at the end of the game on October 12, 2008 where the Vikings got a gift of 42 yards on a phantom pass interference penalty.


Then again if Kitna manages to win a couple games we may not get Stafford. Which means no Goff 10 years later. I’m good with 0 and 16 looking back at it now.

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It wasn’t Kitna’s fault that the defense had more holes than a sieve and was compromised mostly of Bucs castoffs and second string players. The Lions defense got rolled in all four of his starts in 2008.

And the change at QB didn’t do anything for the defense on Thanksgiving Day.

True… but did Kitna teach Dan O to run out of the back of end zone though? :joy: in fairness if Jared Allen had a free run at me without any even trying to block him I’d run out of the endzone too.