Ravens OLB Jaylen Ferguson - Dead at 26

  1. Sad, a waste.

  2. Putting stuff in your body is more of a Russian Roulette than ever given the tsunami of fentanyl coming in from China etc.

  3. Nobody ever died of an OD of Mango Habanero Oberon, but I’m trying to get close to the LD 50 today on the patio at Bells…


Been thinking about a cocktail and cigar and was looking for a sign. Thanks, message received.


Glad to see you worked through it brother. As our society seemingly drifts further apart it’s easy to see why some people might feel unrelenting despair.


Can I get a restraining order against myself?

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Absolutely. But the biggest hurdle you have to get over is explaining why you accepted a handjob from the assailant.

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I told myself that I had changed and accepted the HJ in a moment of weakness. Then I beat the shit out of myself immediately afterward.


I was doing something similar at Creature Comforts in Athens.

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Yep - fix the heart and that fixes the mind and that give hope!

Poor little ones :cry:

If this was cocaine laced with fentanyl, then it’s the same way Michael K Williams died. He had no idea what he was taking. Fentanyl is so cheap that it is being added to other drugs to make them even more addictive. Vice was able to get a reporter to a site in Mexico where a cartel has guys standing around in cow pastures cooking fentanyl in open pots. You can make it just about anywhere once you have the dry precursors, so they’ve decentralized production to make it almost impossible to stop.

Poor kid. I feel horrible for his family.

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26 is a kid? When I was 26 if you called me “kid” I’d knock you the F out.

Don’t infantilize this behavior. he was a grown ass man doing something stupid and the ball landed in 00.

I feel horrible for his family, but it’s the same way I feel horrible for Roy Halladay’s family.

(Halladay, less than a year after retiring after a near 2 decade career and missing lareg chuncks of his son’s lives, took a cockatail of drugs, got in an experimental 1 seater plane, and aerobatic dipshittery high to the gills and turned himself into goulash on impact. He gets rushed into the Hof because of his “untimely” death. Now his kids never have a dad or grandad for their kids because Halladay was POS selfish jackass)

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Sadly it’s not that uncommon. Sam Ehlinger’s bro thought he was just taking a Xanax.

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That is a biiiiig issue that is so different than when I grew up.

teens and 20s are full steam ahead on the We’ve been getting Meds for a decade+ train, it’s just nothing for them to feel like popping a pill (scrip or whetever) is the answer. My youngest stepdaughter has had some tough knocks growing up and has done all the right things (therapy, other interventions, reconciliation, etc) but it’s the Cymbalta/Xanax/ whatever that is what she feels keeps her able to function well enough to finish he engineering Masters at U of M…and she’s not wrong…It’s not a “crutch” but it’s a mindset that Med Are The Way…and it makes it easier to take that Ritalin as a study aid, or that XXXX as a YYYY…and then you get on the train to Tyler Skaggs-ville, you roll snake eyes and Ehlinger’s bro happens…let alone just doing party drugs like Ferguson here.

Way to seize on the most important point.

Ferguson probably had no idea his cocaine had fentanyl in it. Using street drugs is never a good idea, but the introduction of fentanyl is a risk that someone using cocaine isn’t going to expect.

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We called it “Speed”, back in the day at A2, cramming for “Finals”…“Reds”, also a synonym…My aero & nuclear Engineering friends took them a lot, no questions asked, while pulling “All-Nighters”… :rofl:.


“When you grew up” was a terrible time with selfish pricks who lacked basic human compassion…but wore it as a badge of honor for some strange reason.

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Societally it’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t issue. Out West a lot of jurisdictions (including the one that I live in) have greatly decriminalized most drugs in the hopes that with transparency more tragedies could be avoided and the underlying mental health issues would have a better shot of being addressed. But with that decriminalization has come a major increase in property crimes. Increase in violent crime as well though much less pronounced. So now tge pendulum of public sentiment has swung the other way.

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I dont remember being alive in 950 AD…

I could be St Germaine though…

nobody inquisition GIF

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I wonder when your ‘day’ is. I went to school there in the late '80s and never heard of it. Not that people didn’t do it, I was pretty naïve. But when I went back for my professional degree 15 years later I learned that med school students almost universally abuse Adderall just to compete.