Real men get their buttholes probed regularly

Never heard that time lapse before. Usually 5 years if clean and 2 years if polyps found.


I have had 3, last 2 have been clear. I have had some Basil Cell removed and my PSA is a little high, so I need that checked every 6 months. Mom died from Melanoma, Dad from a blood cancer, and a brother passed from Lymphoma at 33. There are 3 boys left and all of us have had some form of cancer 2 Basil cell and one prostate.

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My 73 year old grandfather was told he had the prostate of a 35 year old and he wouldn’t have to come back for a decade… He died at 84 having never gone back (ended up with dementia).

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I have had 3 so far, first was like you with Polyps removed, 2nd was clear, but 3rd Polyps again.
Go back this summer for the 4th round
It’s really not bad so don’t know why anyone would get the willies about it.
Hell the prep is the worst and I treat it like a de-tox, clean the pipes out and lose a few pounds :joy: :joy: :joy:


Yea, mine has been 3 years when found, 5 years when clean

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Yeah, my Dr. said that if I had a family history of he definitely would have me doing it but bc I do not he suggested I wait until 45. I asked a physician friend of mine who seemed to agree with that conclusion :man_shrugging:

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I hear the drink is awful but otherwise it’s no biggie

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Not really, my prep has always been gatorade spiked with Miralax (lots of it).


Since March of 2023 I only eat WFPB(whole food plant based) Never have to be concerned about prostate or colon cancer. Never happens when eating WFPB. I should never say never, but the percentage of those eating WFPB getting colon/prostate/cancer is 98+% less than meat and dairy consumers.
Read the China study for more in depth details. The China Study - Wikipedia

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I was also told seeya in 10 years after clean at 50.

I did cologard at 55 just be sure. Still good

Sorry man, that is a run of suckage y’all dont deserve

I used powered lemonade. Almost as good as the blue :blush:

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Yeah its really not that bad

scott aukerman GIF

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I’m gonna get my colon cleansed

eddie murphy GIF

You could just take the Richard Gere Gerbil with a GoPro approach.

We shouldn’t laugh too hard… sorry to hear if someone reading this has colon cancer. But laughter is the best medicine.

Also cancer is reversible… but that will probably get me in trouble for saying :wink:

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Then we’ll send Rodney Gerbilfield up there

Just got my referral for my first one today


Ever since my first prep, I haven’t been able to trust a fart…I was shooting at fire hose pressure. my understanding is if you are clear, it’s every 10 years. if they find non cancerous and remove, it’s 5 years.

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