Rod Wood confirms new uniforms around draft time

Clearly I wasn’t clear the first time…

josh hutcherson shut up GIF by Tragedy Girls

Rod Wood mentions a modification to the alternate helmet. Black accent? Modern Lion with the stripes?


I wouldn’t mind this color blue


Vomiting Stick Figure GIF by CowWolf

Interesting that they’d modify it after only one year. That definitely changes things.

I don’t love it either…

…but it’s still better than black.

Yea that’s what has me leaning towards a black accent at a minimum. Just because they didn’t want to give it away last year.

Edited - never mind, I thought Dicks Sporting Goods might have leaked the new jerseys but it seems it’s a line of “fashion” jerseys that have been around a while.


Maybe this?? Retro look??


Love that retro look! I’ve been saying for awhile how we need to implement more silver. To me the Silver is just as important as the Honolulu Blue. Those 2 colors scream LIONS.

The helmets must remove the blue stripe from down the middle. It was also too thick. A more narrow stripe would be best. Preferably white in color.

The only way I’d like silver numbers is with a white outline like that. I’d also like bringing back the blue facemasks, but that looks great.

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Blue helmet, silver jersey, darker silver numbers, silver pants, blue outlines.
Blue helmet, blue jersey, darker silver numbers, blue pants, white outlines.
Plain. No stripes.

That’s my choice.

Alternate… I don’t know. But I’m not against black. Black helmet, black jersey and pants, silver numbers, blue outlines.

That tease makes me think they are going to “lean in” to the lighter blue we saw in the 2023 alternate.


I’m not a fan of black as the primary color. I don’t mind a hint of it or an accent but too much of a dark solid like black makes the uniform bland.

Besides I like Honolulu blue as the primary color but it needs some freshening up.

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