Schefter: Rodgers turned down new contract

Please share said solution, because this site is unusable on iPhone due to the ads.

I get on the computer, for sure. I hate using my phone as a computer, anyway.


It’s a setting a mod has to do for the individual users. It’s an IOS apple compatibility issue. So only apple users seem to be having the problem.

I sent you an email (read it) and hopefully I have fixed it for you. Let me know.

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Lol… while I agree with you, just realize this is becoming essentially the same thing as saying that you “prefer the feel of a real newspaper” or that CDs aren’t as “warm” as vinyl.

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Turning 50 on Sunday…Used to buy the Free Press every Sunday and read it…discussing the articles with my cousin Brian. Used to watch all of the games with him. I let go of the news paper when I pretty much had to. LOL.

I’m one seriously old school MF’r. Love to read real books. Love the smell of 'em. Love how when I go back and reread them, it’s like talking to a younger version of myself. I make notes in my books with different color ink every time I read them. Shows me my growth and teaches me to go easier on myself and other ppl. LOVED that shit, when I was in college. Going to the library and seeing writing of people that died a 100 years ago, it’s like I was communicating with them, when I’d read.

Safe to say I have a nerdy dinosaur side to me.

I date the same way.
I conduct my friendships the same way, every time I can.


Juicy update…: oddsmakers brace for Rodgers retirement


Not buying it but thought I’d share


buffy the vampire slayer popcorn GIF


Vegas is ALWAYS ahead of everyone else. This is gigantic news.


My near total immersion in the digisphere has almost completely eroded my ability to complete more than the first 15-20 pages of any book. I’d like to change, as I’m not fully satisfied with the current state of affairs. But alas, I’m addicted to the cotton candy online, can’t even maintain focus on a book or paper for more that :30 min, and seem unwilling to do anything to change it. Sigh.

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I hope they are correct here!!!

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Mods, can someone update title so we don’t get another thread on retirement?

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I even love the smell of books. LOL. Getting present in the moment is beautiful. What I used to love about fiction is what I now do w/presonal development books. I imagine and create in my head. When I was a really poor kid, that is where a lot of my being “cultured” came from. Immeasuerable impact in my life.

Give it a whirl, bro. Get some great stuff that you are most interested in.

Books are better!

Makes you use you mind …. Patiently :crazy_face::upside_down_face::heart::pray::+1:


The stuff that baptizes my imagination and convinces me that God really is there and knows us and wants a relationship with us is CS Lewis; The Weight of Glory, Surprised by Joy, Mere Christianity, The Problem of Pain.

Lewis’ sheer genius is undeniable. He breaks down stuff that’s always eluded me in a way that delivers astounding aha moments throughout. The fact that he started out an atheist makes it all the better. He just kept following the breadcrumbs and couldn’t deny where his logic and life experience led. Truly the most mind blowing, life changing, faith-building stuff I’ve ever read. It’s challenging but so worth it.

I know I need to dock my phone at 8pm in the kitchen and not take it to my room. That’s a given if I’m to reacquire the ability to actually read again. I know it’ll result in a sharper mind and a fuller life. I’m literally ruining my appetite for the best stuff by snacking constantly on empty cotton candy digital calories watching YouTube shorts and looking at mock drafts all night. Need help from a Higher Power. As always.


You should come back to my apartment. I have many leather bound books. My apartment reeks of rich mahogony. I’m not sure how to say this…but I’m kind of a big deal.

big will ferrell GIF


This is literally all I read.

Also challenging, in an identity challenging sort of way.

Great to read this post, man. Lewis is really good.

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LOL - Perfectly stated.

This seems to be gaining traction. I’ll believe it when it happens I guess.

But Rogers should retire. Absolutely should. That will show em.


Shouldn’t there be a date of no return here?

You mean like Favre??? LMAO