Should the Lions sign Cam Newton

as a backup. Obviously he’s better Chase.

Definitely if on a deal similar to Winston and Dalton.

They can pursue him but it sounds like there’d be almost zero chance of landing him

No - I really like for new backup in Cjase Daniels.

Cam would crest too much controversy imo

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NO. The guy they need is Everson Griffin, somebody like that. A good DL guy.


Rather have Griffen too, probably more than any other FA out there.


Whatever happened with Everson, wasn’t he the one who went nutso a few years back?


Still an FA as far as I know. I believe he was suffering from depression?

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And now he’s on meds and doing better?

If the Lions sign him, I’ll work w/him for FREE

Why waste more money on a backup? Chase Daniel is already the 7th highest paid backup QB in the league

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No. I don’t want a media focused guy as your backup sucking the air out of the room and increase the intensity and frequency of questioning Matty after a bad throw/game.

Dumb. Also, expensive.


Nope. I like Cam, but this isn’t a good fit.

The guy to sign would’ve been Winston. I still think he has the tools, just needs to work on his reads and such. If Matt went down, you could go out and try to win some games with a guy like Winston (as opposed to Daniels).

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Cam won’t come here.

We need to spend our left over money on the DL.


Or carry it over to next year when the cap # decreases


Yeah. That is going to be a can of worms, isn’t it…

If he brings Cam in, he will be called an idiot. If he doesn’t bring Cam in he will be called an idiot. In the latter case, he will still have cap room to address other needs… No, a big, fat no.

Not no, but HELL NO! Yeah, he had a good year or two, but I don’t see him as anyones answer. He’s big and strong and runs well…until he gets hit a few times. Then he starts whining and pouting about how everyone’s trying to hurt him. And as for the pouting??? He’s an all star. Hell, his career completion % is under 60%. He’s a whiner and an attention whore. The Lions do not need him. Stay away.

You agree with the majority today!!

Yah yah boom boom ding :crazy_face::heart::cry::upside_down_face:

Absolutely not