Does anybody on this board talk to Jon?
No, but we do have Alex Smith’s valet.
Several, but not likely the one you are referencing . LOL
Not lately.
The thing I like about Jon is he’s always tellinitlikitis
I always sort of hoped either Dom or Bubbles would re-appear someday.
The last time I talked to Bubbles was when I wiped the floor with him on Xbox Live …
I miss CrowdNoiseWinsChampionships
That guy was so dedicated, I couldnt even make fun of him in good conscious. Thats unheard of for me
Bite your tongue!
Wonder whats going on in the 'sphere.
I always liked TCL (the cowardly lion), not sure whatever happened to him.
I came in at the tail end of Dom’s reign. What was so bad about him?
Bubbles was eclectic, and said a lot of things just to rile guys up since it was so easy; call it OG onlike trolling. What’s funny, is that (at least according to my foggy memory, so anyone can correct me) Bubbles actually became a worthwhile poster by the end of his stay.
TCL and crowd noise both were great in their own respective ways. I always liked sporty cliche as well and like most really miss Atticus.
Same here.
I also miss Paul Wezner. He taught me so much as about writing when I volunteered for Justin VanFulpen was … not so helpful.
And then there was Josh, who I helped start writing – but apparently he went crazy on the boards or something? I was away at the time – moving here, if I’m not mistaken.
I also miss Atticus. Loved his before you read yours posts. Those were Monday rites of passage.
Another one who would always help me with writing, and life in general.
I don’t talk to Jon
But he talks to me…though my Lions Helmet Fathead in the man cave
Agreed 100%. And we’d be remiss not to also give props to Sandman for his slow lights and Dead Stroke for the amazing work he used to do on the cap ology
Sandman – another one lost. He’s pretty prolific on reddit though, so at least we still have his vids!
I love the fact that guy took on youtube and won. Down with the man!
As someone who is trying to get their own YT channel going, I commend him. It’s only been about a month for me and its already been a headache.