So just finished Ozark

Boba Fett took that storyline and snoozed it…ish. It had its moments.

I was hoping for something else too…a chance to be all Obi-Wan, but alas, some dipshit Disney exec saw from his or her spreadsheet they needed more kid eyeballs after Mandalorian and Boba Fett.


Yes I get it. DARTH VADER…

But could we not wait until Season 2? Its not like Hayden Christianson was busy…maybe James Earl Jones was getting iffy on health? Hes still alive though now, so…ugh. blergh.

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Its almost like if you gave Sam Raimi a superhero franchise he didnt have to play nice with.

I would watch Bruce Campbell as Homelander every single day of my life.

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Started watching Yellowstone today. Really digging it. Especially having lived a couple years in Bozeman. Montana does have a way of creeping into your soul


from what I heard about DV, it wasn’t james earl jones voice live, it was a newish AI program. Notice how good he sounded compared to rogue one?

and I’d much rather have DV for season 2. Have the season ender for this year have obi wan finally use the force in a large manner and the last scene is vader in the bacta tank and his eyes snap open.

and then never have them meet. that way the line ‘when I last saw you I was but a learner’ etc.

Has anyone read the DV comic series, or Dr. Aphra? those are better than this. should’ve been a vader series hunting down the last of the jedi with obi wan in it sparingly.

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I finished Ozark over the weekend. Spoiler alert for my thoughts on the ending-

I get why many fans are unhappy. It was a brutal end for the series. Really though, what did they expect? Having the Byrdes get what they deserve while Ruth starts a new life would have flown in the face of everything we saw in the show. Marty and Wendy have the skills and resources to come out on top. Ruth was smart and tough as nails, but she had no connections outside of the Byrdes that could have protected her. Once the cartel had a gun to their children’s heads, they could do nothing for Ruth.

The Byrdes suck. They are shit people who deserved to have their fates reversed with Ruth’s. But the story was never about shit people getting what they deserve.

I was wondering…glad you pointed it out.

I honestly think they kind of painted themselves in a corner with them. they had room to keep the series going and going because of how they formatted it with “as soon as something positive comes up 2 negative things come around”.


having the son do what he did was a bit out of his character, honestly. But they were probably just at a point where they friggin had to end it so…done.

Jonah could have shot

  1. Mel

  2. Mom

  3. The Goat Urn

Plausibles. Mel more likely though.

I think they wanted to show that Jonah had become corrupted by the rest of the family. Having it be a twist in the last scene was clunky, but I think they did enough in season 4 to show why he would become like his parents and sister. Charlotte’s love for him kept him from making a clean break. Wendy manipulated him the same way she manipulated far more mature people who she didn’t have that family connection to twist. Frankly, he needs Marty to keep teaching him how to cook the books and launder money. They should have done more than getting him to go to the reception voluntarily to make it clear he had chosen to become as ruthless as his parents. It still would have been jarring to see him take that to the level of cold blooded murder. Being an accomplice to your family’s financial crimes is one thing, but murder? Yikes. That kid has his father’s analytic skills and his mother’s ruthlessness in spades.

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Also - the force powers are ridiculously underrated, as are the powers of the little kid. Ridiculous that grown troops can’t run down a 5 year old more quickly…same with OB1. Craziness.
OB1 escapes only because of a little fire between him and Vader? A fire that Vader already blew out with the force once?
Lots of stuff like that.
Not at all digging “powerless Obi Wan”. That thing has so much potential. Ruining my 2nd favorite Jedi the same way that Marvel ruined Hulk.


So I’m still your #1 favorite?

napoleon dynamite yes GIF

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You knew when nobody cared about The Mandalorian and the product was way too good that they would have to come in and F that up. That’s what they do. Same thing happened with the best of all… The Empire Strikes Back… Lucas was off making some other crappy movie and let guys with talent at it… but he quickly corrected that by f-ing up Return of the Jedi.

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and then disney ruined the redemption of vader making it mean…absolutely nothing because the emperor he threw down the shaft was just a clone.

from a plot standpoint it makes sense and is actually really devious. have a clone of yourself that you can control and if shit hits the fan the clone dies and you can just stay put and try something else. I know lucas didn’t have this intent it was JJ abrams but I actually think it’s kind of cool.

but make rey a female clone instead of a grandkid. Emperor releases clones into the wild to see which ones develop into powerful force users and rey was the one. Problem is they didn’t set it up in the first 2 star wars new movies because they didn’t plan them out. Had they put in some hints and things about where it was headed then you wouldn’t need rise of skywalker to basically be the whole trilogy and go so fast thru everything you couldn’t absorb it properly.


I thought Obi Wan’s fifth episode may have been the best.

I’ll check it out when I get home, for sure.

Still on a sacred sacrement retreat. Sure was a lot ot criticize in the first handful of episodes.

I am not a huge Star Wars fan, but I though the most recent ones (Ep. 7-9) were horrifyingly lazy writing with pretty dumb plots and awful characters. I guess now I know what Darth Vader would be like if he were emo rather than scary.

The exception to me was Rogue One. I thought that was fantastic. I’d put it up there with Empire as heads-and-shoulders above the rest of the movies in that universe.

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What I’ve learned in reading this thread is that nothing really appeals to me.

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Ozark is a pretty good show. It suffers from being compared to Breaking Bad as a crime drama about trying to have your cake and eat it too (get rich from crime without destroying those you love), but Breaking Bad set a standard that I doubt any crime drama will ever top. It’s just that great.

So go into Ozark with an open mind and take the show for its own merits. The acting from Jason Bateman, Julia Garner, and especially Laura Linney alone make it worthwhile to watch.