Stafford streak 161 passes w/o an INT

Let’s say, for hypothetical purposes, that your point is valid.
Is the way you treat people valid?
Are the feelings you try to conjure from others valid?
It’s America, you have free speech, I get that.
You are a smart dude, and you use it to talk down to people. Where else is this showing up in your life?
I agree that people should not get triggered over some dude’s opinion on a message board, but the truth is…some do.
They shouldn’t, but neither should you.

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You were shitting on the post and got called out for it.

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I’m not triggered. I’m just taking the contrary position. You want me to switch? I can. No prob.

I think disputes can help find truth. Argument is not a bad thing. Getting angry is. As far as I’m concerned, he who gets angry, loses.

I get there are trolls. They’re boring. But so are overly sensitive defenders who want to quash all criticism, no matter how minor.

It’s kind of yin yang…


That’s valid–looking at the streak in relative terms.

The cynical person might say, arguably correctly, that the reason Stafford had such a streak dating back to last season is because during the last 4-5 games, most of the time, he wasn’t throwing the ball more than 5 yards downfield.

It’s BS of you to impute motive.

Maybe y’all should post a disclaimer: “Please don’t say anything but praise. Thanks” if you don’t want people to engage the topic.

“calling him out” doesn’t really fix anything, either, does it? If he isnt’ a troll, you insulted him and chilled his speech. If he is a troll, you just fed him.

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“It’s not what you say, right? It’s how you say it.” says every woman in the world

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When someone gets angry and out of control like those here - its fear based.

“my team failed at my expectations and my self-esteem is tired to their success of failure”

“My opinion was shown to me to be wrong by another poster and I now have me personal inadequacies hurt, my pride swells and I have to defend myself to hide how vulnerable I now am… so I ask like a dick!”

On and on and on …


What part exactly? I just read it, and no, I didn’t. I think people are just overly defensive and protective, which is probably normal given the history of this team and the mockery people make of it.

I’m not insulting your intelligence. Please don’t insult mine.

True. And if we went back to see, perhaps that is the case for the other guys with long streaks as well, and almost certainly was the case with Prescott as a rookie. Oops, I called him a rookie. I must be shitting on him too.

This is dishonest

More flame?
Masculine energy is centered, stoic, methodical.
Feminine is flowing, and moves like nature, with storms and cycling energy.
There is yin and yang behind everything.
Does arguing, trying to create drama with “hypoerbole” feel stoic, centered, and methodical? or does it feel like a energy cycling? A naughty, little boy looking for attention, or a mature, centered masculine?
To me, “says women…whatever” feels like a creation of drama/cycling of energy…an energy that ranges between naughty, little boy (very immature masculine) and striaght up feminine.


No insult intended.

What I’m saying is that I tend to be a contrarian. I’ll take up a cause just to explore the angle not considered. I can argue a position I don’t necessarily believe, either. When I do, I will tell you I’m arguing against beliefs, but I can generally see both sides of issues. (or multiple sides)

You can presume that my motive, my intent, is finding truth. And get laughs. Sometimes they’re at the expense of those who I’m posting against. I’m also known to self-deprecate, so it’s not exclusive to only those I disagree with. I grew up in a culture where it’s all about the burn war. No intention to cause harm, just laughs.

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Not really. Just noticed that the tone of his post was all walking on eggshells. The tone is what makes it acceptable, even if it’s the exact same message.

That bothers me some.

Not trying to create drama. Just the opposite. I’m trying to cause introspection to happen. Maybe I failed at it, but that’s my intent.

What creates drama is false accusations. Like when you impute intent that isn’t there…

Not walking on eggshells. Just using the skills afforded by a J.D. and over 25 years of experience.

You could have been more succinct and direct, no?


JDs are a dime a dozen. Even I have one… pfff.

I see, so posting pictures of public whippings is the opposite of trying to insight emotions. Now I understand…You are teaching people how committed you are/are not committed to teh truth. Owning yourself is the opposite of walking on eggshells, as you put it.

Where do you see someone walking on eggshells or suggesting that others do?

What sort of assumption is “walking on eggshells?” Is that an assumption about someone’s intent? Perhaps a false assumption, if not accusation? Does that bother you too? Or is that just rhetorical to make a point, like your hyperbole? Is that imputing intent that isn’t there? Only you know the truth.

Perhaps, but I can play the devil’s advocate game too. It’s in the nature of the profession dating back to law school.

I think persecution both ways needs to stop. And to me, the mob of pro-stafford/anti-troll feels just like what’s going on in that photo.

Public shaming of “trolls”. Never mind how you define “troll”. It’s perfectly fine to just impute that to them and then flog them.

Because, in essence, the anti-trolls are calling out the trolls for publicly flogging them (Stafford)… I’d rather get hit than have my Cherrios get pissed in. I was about to eat those…

I wish that everyone would read this, and take it to heart. This isn’t just directed toward you, as I have seen many others doing the same thing, to varying levels, and on both sides of the Stafford aisle.

Do you sense deflection in this conversation? Does the FACT (yes, it is a fact) that others are doing it as well have anything to do with what I am saying to you, right here, right now?
So funny that you say “never mind how I define troll.” Why was that included? What were you presupposing others would infer from that statement? Why the need to defend? There are reasons, but you will only see them if you are willing to look in the mirror.

Hint: an anti-troll might be a troll, and have inverse definition of each other. Both sides viewing the other as a troll. Both unwilling to look at their own behavior. Both willing to go through pages and pages of writing to defend a position (defend identity).

If a human treats you with disrespect, that is not a reason to counter with the same action. EVERYONE is cool, when things are going well. Who are you when shit hits the fan?

Differnece is “I must defend myself, he’s attacking me,” vs “wonder why they’re so angry. Would suck to be like that all the time.”

Live in a place that is best for YOU. Fuck what anyone else thinks, brother. Have fun! Defending a stance is not the same as seeking the truth.
One of my favorite quotes…
“Carrying anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick.”

I’m not gonna lose 7 seconds worth of sleep over something says on a message board.

I just want to celebrate a goddamn SB with all of you angry MFrz

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